Evaluate the financial impact on london

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131203307 , Length:

This is designed to test students on designed to test students on topics involving hedging strategies. Students are expected to research on Brexit. The emphasis is on analytical thinking to assess the effectiveness and implications of hedging strategies.


a. Present the economic arguments for and against Brexit. Leave out arguments pertaining to Britain's financial status as this is discussed in Part b below.

b. Evaluate the financial impact on London as a leading financial centre in the world, if the referendum result on Brexit on 23 June 2016 turned out that Britain leaves the EU.

c. Discuss the longer term risk management approach of British firms if the referendum result on Brexit on 23 June 2016 turned out that Britain leaves the EU.

Note: Word count requirement is 2,500 words. There must be a minimum of 10 references.

Verified Expert

The work is in 2500 words in Harvard in MS word where the focus has been on the economic changes and the other problems after Brexit./ the decision of the Britain to be excluded from EU has been focused on. this is to hover on the different techniques and the risks which could be possible. also the analysis has been about the financial risks patterns that direct to the major loss in the country.

Reference no: EM131203307

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