Entrepreneurial thinking

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1328279

Entrepreneurs typically have many ideas - not just one. Here's one way entrepreneurs come up with ideas:
- Is there a good or service that you desire but cannot readily obtain?
- Are there goods or services that are of poor quality or delivered poorly - and you could do better?

Reference no: EM1328279

Questions Cloud

Describe validation tests and techniques : Identify and describe validation tests and techniques.
Concept of human relations in the workplace : The concept of human relations in the workplace has evolved as the changes in society have evolved.
Determine the average number of tries : Write down a program in C++ to play a guessing game with the user. The program should be able to make a guess about the chosen number by the user and ask whether the guessed number is above or below the chosen number.
Advantages and disadvantages of erp package : Advantages and disadvantages of ERP package and What are the advantages and disadvantages of ERP package or specific manufacturing production planning utilities?
Entrepreneurial thinking : Entrepreneurs typically have many ideas - not just one. Here's one way entrepreneurs come up with ideas:
Long-term contract that spans multiple periods of time : If revenue is realized isn't always easily determined. In the normal cash for product or service exchange is easy as recognition is almost always immediate. How about when the ticket is purchased for the concert or travel for some future period? W..
Herfendahl index ratio : An industry is composed of 20 firms, all with equal sales. The Herfendahl Index ratio in this industry is a. 1000 b. 500 c. 800 d. This cannot be determined from the information given.
Explain the cycle of product quality : Implementing ERP usually requires major change in the way the enterprise is run and explain the cycle of product quality.
Three key strategic leadership actions : Refer to three Key Strategic Leadership Actions (Effectively managing the Firm's Resources Portfolio, Sustaining an Effective Organizational Culture, and Emphasizing Ethical Practices,).


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