Development of money and banking systems

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Reference no: EM131251111

This assignment asks you to research a technology invented or introduced into society between 1980 and 1990 that significantly affected society and analyze how it affected your home region in particular. Consider the following information to help you develop your position on what the technology did for society.

Step 1: Choose four specific technologies that have been developed/invented between 1980 and 1990. Write up a one paragraph description and discussion of how it affected society in general for each.

Step 2: Submit your topic choices (Step 1 results) for approval in memo format. Once one is approved, move on to Step 3.

Step 3: Write a formal, technical report addressing the following information for the one chosen technology.

Start with an introduction stating what the technology is and what the contents of the report contain in regards to this technology.

Determine/Research how that technology has positively or negatively affected life since its introduction into society.

Do research to address the following three questions regarding the technology you are researching: The Technology/Invention was the response to what need? (Examples): Lodging / safety Travel /commerce Sanitation/health Spiritual & artistic Self - defense Describe the impacts of the technology on any of the following fields:

Human health?Society?Political & military systems?Economic & business systems?Psychology & "happiness/contentment" of the individual, leisure

Answer the question: How has societal, political and business systems developed alongside the technical discovery?

Natural systems & the environment Culture?Religion?Ideas of beauty/art

Example areas of impact: Communication?Creation of societal classes/castes Social justice, human rights, Women's and minorities' rights Labor laws & unionization

Development of money and banking systems Political organization and parties?Taxation?Laws, regulations, justice and court systems Militaries.

Describe the impacts of the technology on your home region.

Include a description of your home region (state, province, home town, etc.). Be specific to either your home town, home state, or home province - do not go as general as your entire country. How did this technology impact your home region? Was it a positive or negative influence? Why?

Write a report that discusses each of the points mentioned above in Step 3. The technology you chose must be invented between 1980 and 1990, but could have been invented/developed anywhere in the world. The format of the report is up to you (does not need to follow any standard), but must flow between topics/paragraphs.

Submit a memo with four choices of topics (each topic must have a one-paragraph description summarizing the topic and how it has impacted life since its introduction into society). You will get a reply approving one of the topics.

Reference no: EM131251111

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You must include at least five references, only four of which can be online (one MUST be a printed source). The printed source can be accessed online through legitimate conference or journal article databases (no Google Scholar allowed). Cite all references within the text and provide a List of References (Bibliography) at the end of the report. Citations and Bibliographies must be in standard, IEEE format. Submit the report as a PDF only. Length: No more than three pages (excluding Bibliography) using single-spaced lines and 11-point font. You may include two figures maximum. Include the Bibliography on its own page at the end of the report. Note: For the topic submission, you will follow Memo format. However, for the report itself, you do not follow memo format, but ensure you include your name, section, and date at the beginning of the report. Print a copy of your Report to bring into class. Informally present your findings to the class. This will be in a round-table format where the class will sit in a circle and everyone will take 3-5 minutes discussing their topic and research.

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