Development of a graphical user interface

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13315624

1. To understand actual communication with an SMTP server can be achieved using TCP Sockets.

2. To understand the development of a graphical user interface (GUI) and use of event handling.

3. To send an actual email using your GUI client

- To build a simple Pretend Mail Client (PMC) that prompts the user for typical email fields and then outputs SMTP protocol messages to the screen.
- To understand and construct SMTP protocol messages.
- To understand OOP design.

Write a program (e.g. called This program will perform the following tasks:

1. The following command is used to run your program and accept console input (i.e. input from the keyboard) for email fields and message body,

java MyPMC
For example, if the user provides information for the fields of MAIL FROM, TO, SUBJECT, EMAIL-TEXT,
the output format should be as follows:
MAIL FROM: [email protected]
RCPT TO: [email protected]
Subject: Hello
This is message 
This output should be displayed to the screen.

2. Accept console input of more complicated emails that contain various optional combinations of extra fields, in particular Carbon Copy ("CC:"), Blind Carbon copy ("BCC:"). For this task, assume that there is at most one email address in each field. That is, if the field of CC and BCC are also provided by the user (eg. CC to [email protected] BCC to [email protected]), the output format should be:

MAIL FROM: [email protected]
RCPT TO: [email protected]
RCPT TO: [email protected]
RCPT TO: [email protected]
Subject: Hello
CC: [email protected]
BCC: [email protected]
This is message .

You need to check if the field of CC/BCC is empty (i.e. check if the user enters an email address of CC/BCC). If the fields of CC and BCC are not provided by the user, the output should be that one shown in Task 1.

3. Allow multiple comma separated addresses for each relevant field. For example, the user is allowed to enter more than one email address for the field of TO (e.g., [email protected],[email protected]). The output for this field should be:

RCPT TO: [email protected]
RCPT TO: [email protected]

4. Allow the user to send more than one email without having to restart the PMC.

5. Create a message class that includes fields of MAIL FROM, TO, CC, BCC, SUBJECT, EMAIL-TEXT. It should also include the methods of set and get for each field, e.g. for the field of From (i.e. for MAIL FROM), it should have the methods: setFrom and getFrom.

Use this class to declare 10 objects, e.g. Message [] m= new Message[10]; m[0] is used to store the first email you sent, m[1] is used to store the second email you sent, and so on. Just before exiting, your program should output the emails that you have sent. The format for each email should be the same as described in Tasks 1-3.

6. Your PMC should consist of at least 2 classes.

a. main class to get input and to control the program
b. message class 

Reference no: EM13315624

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