Additional attributes department and datehired

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM131049739

Write a class called Person that has the attributes name, address, date of birth and cell phone number.  This class should also include the following methods:

__init__ to initialize all attributes

Mutators for all attributes

Accessors for all attributes

__str__ to display the attributes in the following format:

Name: the name of the person

Address: the address of the person

Date of Birth: in the format mm/dd/yyyy

Cell Phone Number: the cell phone number of the person

Now, write a class called Employee that inherits from the Person class.  This class should have the additional attributes Department and DateHired.  Be sure to include Accessor and Mutator methods as well as __init__ and __str__.

Write two more classes, Commission and Hourly, that both inherit from Employee.  The Commission class has two attributes, baseSalary and commissionRate.  Be sure to include appropriate methods.  Also include a method to calculate the total salary.  Total salary is the base salary plus the commission earned (commissionRate times an input total sales amount).

The Hourly class should have 2 attributes, rateOfPay and hoursWorked.  Be sure to include appropriate methods.  Also include a method to calculate total salary.

Now write a main program that reads in employee data from a file.  The file format is

Type of Employee - C for Commission and H for Hourly



Date of Birth

Cell Phone Number


Date Hired

Base Salary (if commission) or Rate of Pay (if hourly)

Commission Rate (if commission) or hoursWorked (if hourly)

The file is comma delimited.  The file is located in the I:\kopp\outbox\CS 121 02\Program Assignments folder.  The file name is payroll.txt.

The program should print a report with the following information:



Date of Birth

Cell Phone Number


Date Hired

Pay for this pay period

Be sure to use __str__ methods in each class so that you can print the object and get the correct output format.


You are required to use appropriate functions.  Design will be included in grading.

Add the following comments to the beginning of the program.

Name:                                  Your Name

Class and Section:            CS 121 02

Assignment:                       Program Assignment 05

Due Date:                            See above

Date Turned in:

Program Description:     You write a short description of what the program will do

When you complete the program, do the following.

1. Turn in a printout of the source code for both programs

2. Create a folder with the following name: Program 05

Reference no: EM131049739

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