Program Development Lifecycle Assignment Help

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Program Development Lifecycle:

Development of computer programs enables automation of existing processes and creation of new functionalities. Computer programs are usually designed and developed in sets that together constitute a whole system. For example, a set of payroll programs is developed for a payroll system. To develop a payroll system, the programmers must first define the problem(s) involved in a payroll system, investigate alternative courses of action, identify system specifications, and take ‘make-or-buy' decisions for software. 

When writing the computer program, if the programmers leave out some program instructions or write the instructions in the wrong sequence, the computer will give an incorrect answer. In order to produce an effective computer program, programmers must write each and every instruction in the proper sequence, and there should be no omissions.

The formal objective of a program is output generation. Output could be in the form of a file of updated records, a message on a video screen, or a printed report. Program preparation begins with deciding what the output comprises of and how this information will be formatted i.e., how it will appear on a printed page, video screen, or a file record.

The Program Development Lifecycle (PDLC), which is similar to the System Development Lifecycle (SDLC), was developed during the early 1970s. The PDLC provides an organized plan for breaking down the task of program development into manageable units called modules. Each of these modules must be successfully completed before the programmer moves on to the next phase.

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