Panel controls in ASP.Net Assignment Help

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Panel controls in ASP.Net:

The Panel control acts as a container for other controls on the page. It controls seem and visibility of the controls it has. It also allows creating controls programmatically.

The basic syntax for the Panel control is as follows:

<asp:Panel ID= "Panel1"  runat = "server"></asp:Panel>

The Panel control is started from the WebControl class. So it inherits all the properties, function and events of the same. It does not have any function or event of its own. However it has the given properties of its own:




URL of the background image of the panel.


Sets or Gets the identifier for the default button that is related in the Panel control.


Text shown in the panel.


Allows sets of text as a field.


Horizontal alignment of the content in the panel of page.


Denotes visibility and location of scrollbars within the panel.


Allows text wrapping.

Working with the Panel Control:

Let us start with a easy scrollable panel of denotes height and width and a border style. The ScrollBars property is fixed to both, so both the scrollbars are rendered.

The source file has the subsequent code for the panel tag:

<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server"







This is a scrollable panel.

<br />

<br />

<asp:Button ID="btnpanel"



            Width="82px" />


The panel is rendered as followes:


2472_panel control.png


The following example shows dynamic content generation. The user gives the number of label controls and textboxes to be prepared on the panel. The controls are prepared programmatically.

Modify the properties of the panel using the properties window. When you choose a control on the design view the properties window shows the properties of that particular control and gives you to create changes, without typing.


1334_panel control1.png

The source file for the example is as follows:

<form id="form1" runat="server">


<asp:Panel ID="pnldynamic"











This panel shows dynamic control generation:

<br />

<br />




<table style="width: 51%;">


<td class="style2">No of Labels:</td>

<td class="style1">

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddllabels" runat="server">










<td class="style2"> </td>

<td class="style1"> </td>



<td class="style2">No of Text Boxes :</td>

<td class="style1">

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddltextbox" runat="server">


<asp:ListItem Value="1"></asp:ListItem>



<asp:ListItem Value="4"></asp:ListItem>





<td class="style2"> </td>

<td class="style1"> </td>



<td class="style2">

<asp:CheckBox ID="chkvisible"


              Text="Make the Panel Visible" />


<td class="style1">

<asp:Button ID="btnrefresh"


            Text="Refresh Panel"

            Width="129px" />





The code at the back the Page_Load event is responsible for creating the controls dynamically:

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page


   protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


      //make the panel visible

      pnldynamic.Visible = chkvisible.Checked;


      //generating the lable controls:

      int n = Int32.Parse(ddllabels.SelectedItem.Value);

      for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)


         Label lbl = new Label();

         lbl.Text = "Label" + (i).ToString();


         pnldynamic.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />"));


      //generating the text box controls:


      int m = Int32.Parse(ddltextbox.SelectedItem.Value);

      for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)


         TextBox txt = new TextBox();

         txt.Text = "Text Box" + (i).ToString();


         pnldynamic.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />"));




When run, the panel is rendered as:


2199_panel control2.png


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