Types of Frequency Distribution Assignment Help

Frequency Distribution Graphical Representation - Types of Frequency Distribution

Statistics >> Types of Frequency Distribution   

There are following types of frequency distribution

1.   Discrete Frequency Distribution

2.   Continuous Frequency Distribution 

Graphical representation of frequency distribution

An important function of Statistics is to present complex and unwidely data in such a manner 'that they would be easily understandable. Numerical figure are not always interesting and with the increase in size their complexity increases. A graphic representation is the geometrical image of a set of data. Graph gives a better picture than when the data are arranged in tabular form. They help us in studying cause and effect relationship between two variables. They are useful for studying both time series and frequency distribution:

Advantage of Graphic Representation

(i)     It simplifies the complexity of data and makes it readily understandable.

(ii)    It attracts attention of people.

(iii)    It saves time and efforts to understand the facts.

(iv)   It makes the comparison easy.

(v)    A graph studies relationship between two or more variables.

Graphs of Frequency Distribution

The most commonly used graphs of a frequency distribution are

        (i)     Histogram

(ii)    Frequency Polygon

(iii)    Frequency Curve

(iv)   Cumulative Frequency Curve or Ogive. 


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