SDLC Models, Software Engineering Models, Assignment Help

Software Engineering - SDLC Models, Software Engineering Models,

SDLC Models

Software development has been practiced for the past few decades and over a period of time, there have been a few experiments about methodologies which have given rise to some popular SDLC models. Let us have a look at a few of them that are widely used:

1. Natural/Waterfall Model

As the name indicates this model came up after lots of trials and errors. The model signifies the natural flow of water that tries to flow from a higher altitude to a lower one. In the early days when software development was undertaken as a natural process, a developer would simply move ahead with the development of each component as and when it occurred to her, without any systematic plan charted out. There was no definite sequence or structured approach; rather things simply forward in an ad hoc way. Obviously, it entailed several patch-work corrections that too would be dine on a trial and error basis.

2. Evolving/Spiral Model

Later on there was due recognition given to the elements of planning and documentation. So the systems were developed with substantial pre-thought and the related recording of the artifacts in development. Sometimes, the development of some component was either deliberately postponed for convenience or per force taken up after the other modules. Thus, the process depicted a gradually unfolding spiral trend in development leading to a complete system over a period of time.

3. Prototype Model

Over a period of time, developers have started appreciating that on the one hand user involvement is absolutely a driving point in collecting the requirements; while on the other hand, the requirements phase is prone to see a waning of the users' participation and interest. There is an intriguing paradox behind this. A system analyst trying to understand the requirements keeps on asking numerous questions and users tend to get frustrated with such simplistic questions on the maters that have become second nature for them due to sheer habit. Moreover, there is nothing coming forward from developers during this phase which could facilitate the interest and understanding of the users about the system getting built up.

It is precisely here that an idea of prototyping comes to the rescue. A prototype is just a collection of the entire user interface of the proposed software but with no real processing capabilities by way of major computational programs. It can be visualized as an outer vehicle shell without any engine inside. Or better still, it could be viewed as an architect's blueprint which contains no brick and mortar and yet explains to the prospective house owner how various rooms and staircases would look like. A software prototype would have various menus, options, dialogue boxes and prompts etc. that illustrate the appearance and navigation to the users without obviously having any capabilities of real life data processing logic that is built up. Services: - SDLC Models Homework | SDLC Models Homework Help | SDLC Models Homework Help Services | Live SDLC Models Homework Help | SDLC Models Homework Tutors | Online SDLC Models Homework Help | SDLC Models Tutors | Online SDLC Models Tutors | SDLC Models Homework Services | SDLC Models


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