Oracle Architecture, DBMS, Assignment Help

DBMS - Oracle Architecture, DBMS,

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ORACLE makes and uses storage components to complete several work. For example, storage is used to store rule being carried out and details that is discussed among users. Several basic storage components are associated with ORACLE: the program international region (which includes the collection and update log buffers, and the discussed pool) and the application international region.

System Global Area (SGA) is a discussed storage region assigned by ORACLE that contains details and management details for one ORACLE example.

An ORACLE example contains the SGA and the background processes.

The SGA is assigned when an example starts and deallocated when the example ends down. Each example that is begun has its own SGA.

The Program Global Area (PGA) is a storage stream that contains details and management details for a web server procedure. A PGA is created by ORACLE when a web server procedure is begun. The details in a PGA will depend on the settings of ORACLE.

A procedure is a ''thread of control'' or a procedure in an os that can do a sequence of actions. Some systems use the phrases job or process. An ORACLE collection program has two common types of processes: person methods and ORACLE methods.

A person procedure is created and managed to do the software value of an application (such as a PRO*C program) or an ORACLE instrument (such as SQL*PLUS). The person procedure also controls the connection with the web server methods. Customer methods connect with the web server methods through the application screen.

ORACLE methods are called by other methods to accomplish features on part of the invoking procedure. ORACLE makes a web server procedure to deal with needs from attached person methods. ORACLE also makes a set of historical past methods for each instance


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