Write an article on empires as complex systems

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Reference no: EM13644 , Length: Word count - 2000 words

Write an article on Empires as Complex Systems.

In the article Sinking Globalization (Foreign Affairs, Mar/Apr 2005, Vol. 84, Issue 2, p.4-77) Niall Ferguson draws on the lessons of the pre-1914 international order to consider the possibility of the current era of globalization receding, and one of the five precipitating causes he examines is imperial overstretch. In the article Complexity and Collapse (Foreign Affairs, Mar/Apr2010, Vol. 89 Issue 2, p.18-32), Niall Ferguson challenges the cyclical theory of history and puts forward the proposition that empires are complex systems which may collapse quite abruptly. Read attentively the two articles and try to correlate their main arguments and ideas and apply them to your appraisal of the current condition of the United States and how it may impact the security of other nations and individuals.

Reference no: EM13644

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