Write a function called sort that takes in two parameters

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131264410

Assignment- Array Practice


To gain practice with arrays and common array algorithms, as well as the use of array parameters in functions.


This assignment will consist of writing several functions that manipulate arrays or access data from arrays, as well as a test program that will allow interactive testing of the array functions.

Part 1: Functions

Write the following functions. Each one takes in an integer array as a parameter, and other necessary parameters and returns are described - read carefully. Make sure the parameters are in the order specified. **Make sure to use the const qualifier on the array parameter on any function where it is appropriate.** A sample CALL is given for each function.

• Insert

Write a function called Insert that takes in four parameters:

o an integer array
o the size of the array
o the new value to be inserted into the array
o the index at which to insert the new value

This function should insert a a new value into the array, at the specified index. Note that this means that other values have to "move" to make room. The last value in the array will just disappear from the array. If the index is out of bounds for the array, abort the function with no change made to the array. This function does not return a value. Sample call:

// Suppose the array "list" is {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}

Insert(list, 6, 100, 3); // insert the value 100 at index 3.

// "list" is now {2, 4, 6, 100, 8, 10}

• Delete

Write a function called Delete that takes in three parameters:

o an integer array
o the size of the array
o the index of the item to delete

This function should delete the value at the given index. The remaining items in the array will need to shift over to fill the "empty" slot. The last item in the array (now vacant) should be set to 0. If the given index is out of bounds for the array, abort the function without deleting anything. This function does not return a value. Sample call:

// Suppose the array "list" is {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}

Delete(list, 6, 2); // delete the value at index 2.

// "list" is now {2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 0}

• Reverse

Write a function called Reverse that takes in two parameters:

o an integer array
o the size of the array

This function should reverse the order of the array's contents. No returned value. Sample call:

// Suppose the array "list" is {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}

Reverse(list, 6); // Reverse the array "list"

// "list" is now {12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2}

• Sort

Write a function called Sort that takes in two parameters:

o an integer array
o the size of the array

This function should sort the array in ascending order. Note: You are NOT permitted to create any other Arrays to do this task (or any other task on this assignment). (See "bubble sort" in the book for help if needed, but you can use any type of sort you'd like.). This function should not return a value.

// Suppose "list" is {2, 5, 5, 10, 5, 10, 3, 4, 5, 9, -1, 6}

Sort(list, 12) // would change the list array to :

// {-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 9, 10, 10}

• Found

Write a function called Found that takes in three parameters:

o an integer array
o size of the array
o The value to search for in the array

This function should return true if the value was found in the array and false otherwise. Sample calls:

// suppose "list" is {1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 0, 5, 2, -3}

Found(list, 11, 4); // this call should return the value true
Found(list, 11, 8); // this call should return the value false

Note that none of the five functions you'll write above do any keyboard input or screen output. You're also not permitted to create any other arrays in your code besides the original one in main().

Part 2: Test your Functions with your main() function

To help you test and get you started, I've provided you with a STARTER FILE which you SHOULD use to start. Fill in your code into this starter file. The starter file already contains the PrintArray function that we looked at in lecture class, as well as a function called FillArray that allows the user to enter values into an array from the keyboard. Call FillArray right after you create your array in main(). You may use these two provided functions in writing your main function which will test your array functions, as well as anywhere else you need these functionalities.

Write a main() function that creates an array of size SIZE (a constant given in the starter file). Since this is a constant, it can be changed for testing different sizes of arrays easily. Use this constant whenever referring to the array's size from main() (instead of using a hard-coded literal value).

Then, the program should go into a menu loop, presenting the user with the following menu the first time:

** Given features **

P Print the array contents
F Fill the array (user entry)

** Function Tests **

I Insert
D Delete
R Reverse
S Sort
X Found

M Print this menu
Q Quit this program

• The menu only needs to be printed explicitly the first time. Then, only re-print the menu if the user selects the M menu option.

• Prompt the user the first time and after every user selection to enter their next menu selection with the following:

• Enter your menu selection:

• The first two menu choices should just invoke the two already given functions: PrintArray and FillArray. The first will print the array contents, and the second will populate the array with user-entered values. (When testing, you'll want to populate your array first so you can test your functions that you create).

• The Q option should exit the menu loop and allow the program to end. Make sure to print out the final array before quitting the program

• The 5 menu options under **Function Tests** will test your functions. Some of them call for extra user input. The options should behave as follows (make sure to do any user input in the order specified):

o I: Prompt the user to type the value to be inserted, then the index to insert at. Call the Insert function appropriately, then print out the contents of the array

o D: Prompt the user to type the index to be deleted. Call the Delete function appropriately, then print out the contents of the array.

o R: No extra input required. Just call the Reverse function appropriately, then print out the array

o S: No extra input required. Just call the Sort function appropriately, then print out the array

o X: Prompt the user to enter a value to search for. Then call the Found function and print out a message indicating whether that value was found or not based on the function's return value. Example:

The value 6 appears in the list.

Hint: A good way to implement a menu loop is a switch statement (for processing a menu selection) inside of a do-while loop (for repeating the menu selection process).

General Requirements

• No global variables

• The required array tasks must be performed with the functions specified (not just with a single main() routine). Note that your 5 required functions should not have any cout/cin statements in them. You can have additional functions if you like, however make sure to have the 5 required ones, and that your required functions adhere to the specs.

• You may not change the two provided functions in any way (PrintArray and FillArray)

• You will need the iostream library. You may also use iomanip and/or cctype if you like. (No other libraries).

• As always, your source code must be readable and appropriately documented.

Reference no: EM131264410

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