What benefits do customers derive with quality services

Assignment Help Other Management
Reference no: EM132113


Read the following text and answer all the questions in this section

By its very nature, government services are essential to the development of a thriving and competitive economy and the maintenance of a stable society. Citizens and corporate bodies, as customers of the government, have a legitimate right to quality, timely and efficient public services. The impression one gets from a counter/customer service is of crucial importance as efficiency and effectiveness of the Ministry/Department, and by extension of the civil service, is perceived through the attitude of front-line officers, the response time and the actual service delivery. The quest for quality and excellence in the delivery of public services is a must. Indeed a quality public counter/customer service leads to satisfied customers and generates a positive image of public organizations. In line with the vision and commitment of Government to provide high quality and seamless services, public organizations should aim to provide their customers with a courteous, rapid and effective service

a) What do you understand by quality customer service? Elaborate on any one of the characteristics of such a service.

b) What benefits do customers derive if they are provided with quality services? Illustrate your answer with a concrete example from the public sector.

c) How would public sector organizations benefit if they provide quality service to their customers?

d) Discuss a few improvements brought to public sector counter services and explain with examples how these services can be further improved to project an even better image of the public sector


Reference no: EM132113

Questions Cloud

Arguments for and against corporate social responsibility : Explain the arguments for and against corporate social responsibility, Discuss the challenges faced by a government in the implementation of corporate social responsibility policy
How manager do establishing the ethical tone of a company : Explain, with the use of examples, how the "four way test" and the "publicity test" can help in dealing with ethical dilemmas, How are the managers important in establishing the ethical tone of a company
How does the social environment affect a business : Define Social Environment, How Does the Social Environment Affect a Business?
Explain the efficiency and effectiveness of public services : Max Weber described public administration as bureaucratic and said that it was characterized by many shortcomings. Elaborate on any three of these weaknesses and explain how they affected the efficiency and effectiveness of public services
What benefits do customers derive with quality services : What benefits do customers derive if they are provided with quality services? Illustrate your answer with a concrete example from the public sector.
What are the basic characteristics of good governance : (a) What are the basic characteristics of Good Governance, (b) How do you define corruption? Describe the different ways that can be used by the Government to fight corruption
The advantages associated with the process of privatization : Outline some of the advantages associated with the process of privatization
Give a full description of the zopa concept : Give a full description of the ZOPA concept. Why the definition of the ZOPA (s) is important for successful conduction of negotiations
The key activities of the strategic management process : Discuss the key activities of the strategic management process. Explain why it is important for managers to recognise the interdependent nature of these activities


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