What actions will you need to take to align the risk level

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131301276

1. Enter information about your current investments in the following chart. (If you input this information in the Excel template, the software will create a pie chart showing the market value of each investment.)

Type of Investment Market Value of Investment Goal(s) Met by Investment and Duration of Goal Percantage of funds Allocated to This Investment

Checking Account




Savings Account








Money Market




Mutual Fund -Large Cap




Mutual Fund-Small Cap




Mutual Fund-International




Mutual Fund-Corporate Bonds




Mutual Fund-Government Bonds








Large-Cap Stock




Small-Cap Stock




International Stock




Equity in Home . _ .




Other Real Estate Holdings




Investment in Collectibles (e.g.. Antiques. Art)




Other Investment




Other Investment




Other Investment




Other Investment




Total Investments




2. How would you rate your portfolio (i.e., conservative, moderate, or aggressive)?

3. Does the risk level of your portfolio correspond to your personal risk tolerance? If it does not correspond, what actions will you need to take to align the risk level of your portfolio and your own personal risk tolerance?

Reference no: EM131301276

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