Risk management project on target corporation

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131472572

Question: Your Course Project assignment is to prepare a Risk Plan Outline that will give direction to your paper.

You need to do Risk Management project on Target Corporation

A big risk that I would like to focus on is how to manage reputation risks, especially for such a large and public company reputation can mean everything at times. I would also like to dig into the basic business workings, such as day to day risks that the company faces not only on the store level in the corporate and public relations levels.


All companies face risks and can benefit from a risk management department but not all companies will face the same risks as Target Corporation will face. Reputation risk can be an important risk to focus on for a large, publicly well-known company such as Target because a tarnished reputation can sometimes make or break a company in the end. Also, the day to day risks that the stores and executives face can have a profound effect on the company as a whole. .

Your outline should identify 3 - 5 key ideas and elaborate on 2 - 3 tactical steps that can be taken to manage the risk; whether it is in market, credit, liquidity, operational, legal and regulatory, business, strategic, or reputation.

The outline should be 1-2 pages and should follow a standard outline format.

Check your work for proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics.

Verified Expert

The paper is about how reputational risk can become s cause of worry and concern for any organisation. It also talks about what are the key areas where this kind of risk can occur and the mechanism of overcoming it once we are under its effect. The paper also brings to light the actions that need to be taken for it. The paper has been prepared in Microsoft office.

Reference no: EM131472572

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4/24/2017 8:32:23 AM

Your Course Project assignment is to prepare a Risk Plan Outline that will give direction to your paper. Your outline should identify 3 - 5 key ideas and elaborate on 2 - 3 tactical steps that can be taken to manage the risk; whether it is in market, credit, liquidity, operational, legal and regulatory, business, strategic, or reputation. The outline should be 1-2 pages and should follow a standard outline format. Check your work for proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics.

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