Risk management and security issues for osds

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131064256

Management, Backup and DR


The Department of Spatial Information (DSI) has considered your assessment of the deployment model, risk management and security issues for the Online Spatial Delivery System (OSDS). They have decided that they need an additional assessment on the technical management and the SLA.

You have been assigned the task of providing DSI Executive Management with an assessment of the management requirements and the provisions of the SLA for the chosen cloud vendor. You are to:

1. Discuss the requirements for remote administration, resource management and SLA management. It may be useful to consider Morad and Dalbhanjan's operational checklists for DSI's OSDS. This section should be no more than two to three pages in length.

2. Discuss briefly how you will consider application resilience, backup and disaster recovery for your chosen provider in relation to OSDS. This section should be no more than two to three pages in length.

3. Use Erl's SLA guidelines to assess the SLA for your chosen provider. This section should be no more than two to three pages in length.

4. Provide a covering one to two page executive summary of these two assessments to DSI Executive Management and summarise the major opportunities and risks that have been identified in your assessments.

This assignment covers the following objectives:
- Be able to compare and evaluate the ability of different Cloud Computing Architectures to meet a set of given business requirements;
- Be able to evaluate a set of business requirements to determine suitability for a Cloud Computing delivery model;
- Be able to evaluate and design an ICT Risk Management strategy for a Cloud Computing Delivery plan to meet business requirements;
- Be able to interpret, evaluate and plan the Governance and Security requirements for a Cloud Computing delivery plan;
- Be able to analyse and evaluate business requirements to plan a migration to a Cloud model;

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Reference no: EM131064256

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