Paternalism in medicine is best captured in the phrase

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Reference no: EM13220620

Chapter 14 
1. Paternalism in medicine is best captured in the phrase 
a) doctors know best. 
b) patients know best. 
c) nurses know best. 
d) all of the above. 

2. The engineering model of doctor-patient relations suggests that 
a) the patient is the engineer of his illness. 
b) the doctor is a qualified technician treating and improving the body-machine. 
c) the patient is valued above all else. 
d) doctor and patient are part of a team. 

3. That doctors should tell their patients what they want to know and when they want to know it is referred to as the _____ approach to truth telling. 
a) paternalistic 
b) patient?s rights 
c) moderate 
d) worst 

4. If doctors all agree that patient related-information is private then why is confidentiality an issue? 
a) Doctors find it difficult to keep quiet. 
b) Doctors get paid from the newspapers for releasing secret information. 
c) Doctors are known for breaking confidences. 
d) Protecting the innocent. 

5. The assumption behind informed consent is that 
a) patients don?t understand their condition. 
b) doctors might abuse their trust. 
c) doctors and nurses often do things against a patient?s will. 
d) in order to consent to a procedure a patient must be informed about it. 

6. A _________ approach to human behavior control would insist that we don?t know what the standard for normal behavior is. 
a) behaviorist 
b) antibehaviorist 
c) kantian 
d) caring 

7. So called ____________ is a technique used to deal with overeating, drug or alcohol abuse. 
a) brain surgery 

b) "hot wax" treatment 
c) carrot „n? stick 
d) aversive conditioning 

8. The main moral argument against the use of human beings in experiments is that 
a) humans do not make good subjects. 
b) humans should not be used as a means to an end. 
c) animals are less squeamish. 
d) animals don?t think or reason. 

9. The central view of those opposed to stem cell research is that 
a) no good can come of it. 
b) the slippery slope or domino effect will make us like Nazis. 
c) humans can?t "play God." 
d) the procedure kills the embryo. 

10. How will the use of adult stem cells resolve some of the moral issues involved here? 
a) Because they?re older they can deal with it 
b) Because an embryo is not involved 
c) Because adult stem cells are more useful 
d) None of the above 

Chapter 15 
1. According to the author no right is so important that it _________ supersedes all the others. 
a) often 
b) always 
c) mostly 
d) never 

2. The approach to rights and obligations in business - which stresses a laissez faire attitude without controls - is sometimes called 
a) the government control approach. 
b) the moderate position. 
c) the competitive approach. 
d) the ethical approach. 

3. The type of justice that involves reimbursement for services rendered is called 
a) Exchange Justice. 
b) Distributive Justice. 
c) Social Justice. 
d) Retributive Justice. 

4. The moral approach to advertising is the ____________ approach. 
a) anything goes approach 

b) buyer beware approach 
c) the truthful approach 
d) the moderate approach 

5. Business has no responsibilities to the environment or society only consumers and shareholders. This is known as the 
a) primacy of the environment view. 
b) primacy of business view. 
c) moderate view. 
d) primacy of society view. 

6. The moderate position on affirmative action says that 
a) blacks and women are inferior. 
b) a business employer?s practices are private. 
c) quotas, goals and timetable must be established. 
d) AA must be taken at all levels and employers should have the freedom to hire who they wish. 

7. The bases for arguments against sexual harassment are that 
a) all people deserve to be treated with respect. 
b) it is now socially unacceptable. 
c) in the end it brings profits down. 
d) it?s unfair on the men and women who don?t get any attention. 

8. Who said that the ideal of journalism was the "communication of truth"? 
a) The Disney corporation (who own ABC amongst others) 
b) Patterson and Wilkins 
c) Princess Diana 
d) Bill Clinton 

9. One of the main moral dilemmas in the media and journalism is 
a) to get as many viewers/readers/listeners as possible. 
b) the public?s right to know versus the individual right to privacy. 
c) journalists expense accounts. 
d) what to do about Ted Koppell?s hair. 

10. What does the Enron episode show? 
a) How useless a code of ethics is unless embedded in practices 
b) How greedy human beings can be 
c) How important ethics is 
d) All of the above 

Chapter 16 
1. If you believe that humans and nature together form a moral community you are a _______. 

a) speciesist. 
b) wholist. 
c) sentientist. 
d) hippie. 

2. The different traditions approach nature in various ways. The wholistic approach has always been part of the _________ tradition 
a) Western 
b) Native American/Eastern 
c) Christian 
d) Jewish 

3. The predominant attitude to nature in the Bible and the Judeo-Christian tradition generally has been 
a) oppositional. 
b) harmonious. 
c) relaxed. 
d) subordinate. 

4. The basis for the use and exploitation of nature is the view that 
a) nature will destroy us if we don?t control it (as the poet says "nature is red in tooth and claw"). 
b) we are superior reasoning beings- nature is a resource to do with as we please. 
c) we can make profit from nature. 
d) all of the above. 

5. The moderate position on the use and exploitation of nature is that 
a) nature is at our disposal. 
b) humans are far more important than the environment. 
c) trees have rights. 
d) nature and humans are intimately related. 

6. A vegan is someone who does not eat 
a) meat. 
b) meat and fish. 
c) meat and animal products. 
d) pizza. 

7. The main argument for the use of animals in experiments is that 
a) we would have to use humans to find cures for disease but humans are more important than animals. 
b) they don?t complain (too much). 
c) animals don?t have rights (since they can?t claim them). 
d) none of the above. 

8. Which architect tried to design buildings as an organic and integral part of nature? 

a) Le Corbusier 
b) Philip Johnson 
c) Brunelleschi 
d) Frank Lloyd Wright 

9. Choose which arguments support the protection of endangered species. 
a) An irreverence for a small segment of life affects one?s reverence for all life. 
b) Nature always allows species to become extinct. 
c) All animals contribute in some way to the balance of nature. 
d) If species are going extinct as a result of what we do that is part of nature. 

10. What should our relationship to nature be 
a) wholistic. 
b) dominion over. 
c) use it or lose it. 
d) don?t worry, be happy. 

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You asked:
"Chapter 14 
1. Paternalism in medicine is best captured in the phrase 
a) doctors know best. 
b) patients know best. 
c) nurses know best. 
d) all of the above. 

2. The engineering model of doctor-patient relations suggests that 
a) the patient is the engineer of his illness. 
b) the doctor is a qualified technician treating and improving the body-machine. 
c) the patient is valued above all else. 
d) doctor and patient are part of a team. 

3. That doctors should tell their patients what they want to know and when they want to know it is referred to as the _____ approach to truth telling. 
a) paternalistic 
b) patient?s rights 
c) moderate 
d) worst 

4. If doctors all agree that patient related-information is private then why is confidentiality an issue? 
a) Doctors find it difficult to keep quiet. 
b) Doctors get paid from the newspapers for releasing secret information. 
c) Doctors are known for breaking confidences. 
d) Protecting the innocent. 

5. The assumption behind informed consent is that 
a) patients don?t understand their condition. 
b) doctors might abuse their trust. 
c) doctors and nurses often do things against a patient?s will. 
d) in order to consent to a procedure a patient must be informed about it. 

6. A _________ approach to human behavior control would insist that we don?t know what the standard for normal behavior is. 
a) behaviorist 
b) antibehaviorist 
c) kantian 
d) caring 

7. So called ____________ is a technique used to deal with overeating, drug or alcohol abuse. 
a) brain surgery 

b) "hot wax" treatment 
c) carrot „n? stick 
d) aversive conditioning 

8. The main moral argument against the use of human beings in experiments is that 
a) humans do not make good subjects. 
b) humans should not be used as a means to an end. 
c) animals are less squeamish. 
d) animals don?t think or reason. 

9. The central view of those opposed to stem cell research is that 
a) no good can come of it. 
b) the slippery slope or domino effect will make us like Nazis. 
c) humans can?t "play God." 
d) the procedure kills the embryo. 

10. How will the use of adult stem cells resolve some of the moral issues involved here? 
a) Because they?re older they can deal with it 
b) Because an embryo is not involved 
c) Because adult stem cells are more useful 
d) None of the above 

Chapter 15 
1. According to the author no right is so important that it _________ supersedes all the others. 
a) often 
b) always 
c) mostly 
d) never 

2. The approach to rights and obligations in business - which stresses a laissez faire attitude without controls - is sometimes called 
a) the government control approach. 
b) the moderate position. 
c) the competitive approach. 
d) the ethical approach. 

3. The type of justice that involves reimbursement for services rendered is called 
a) Exchange Justice. 
b) Distributive Justice. 
c) Social Justice. 
d) Retributive Justice. 

4. The moral approach to advertising is the ____________ approach. 
a) anything goes approach 

b) buyer beware approach 
c) the truthful approach 
d) the moderate approach 

5. Business has no responsibilities to the environment or society only consumers and shareholders. This is known as the 
a) primacy of the environment view. 
b) primacy of business view. 
c) moderate view. 
d) primacy of society view. 

6. The moderate position on affirmative action says that 
a) blacks and women are inferior. 
b) a business employer?s practices are private. 
c) quotas, goals and timetable must be established. 
d) AA must be taken at all levels and employers should have the freedom to hire who they wish. 

7. The bases for arguments against sexual harassment are that 
a) all people deserve to be treated with respect. 
b) it is now socially unacceptable. 
c) in the end it brings profits down. 
d) it?s unfair on the men and women who don?t get any attention. 

8. Who said that the ideal of journalism was the "communication of truth"? 
a) The Disney corporation (who own ABC amongst others) 
b) Patterson and Wilkins 
c) Princess Diana 
d) Bill Clinton 

9. One of the main moral dilemmas in the media and journalism is 
a) to get as many viewers/readers/listeners as possible. 
b) the public?s right to know versus the individual right to privacy. 
c) journalists expense accounts. 
d) what to do about Ted Koppell?s hair. 

10. What does the Enron episode show? 
a) How useless a code of ethics is unless embedded in practices 
b) How greedy human beings can be 
c) How important ethics is 
d) All of the above 

Chapter 16 
1. If you believe that humans and nature together form a moral community you are a _______. 

a) speciesist. 
b) wholist. 
c) sentientist. 
d) hippie. 

2. The different traditions approach nature in various ways. The wholistic approach has always been part of the _________ tradition 
a) Western 
b) Native American/Eastern 
c) Christian 
d) Jewish 

3. The predominant attitude to nature in the Bible and the Judeo-Christian tradition generally has been 
a) oppositional. 
b) harmonious. 
c) relaxed. 
d) subordinate. 

4. The basis for the use and exploitation of nature is the view that 
a) nature will destroy us if we don?t control it (as the poet says "nature is red in tooth and claw"). 
b) we are superior reasoning beings- nature is a resource to do with as we please. 
c) we can make profit from nature. 
d) all of the above. 

5. The moderate position on the use and exploitation of nature is that 
a) nature is at our disposal. 
b) humans are far more important than the environment. 
c) trees have rights. 
d) nature and humans are intimately related. 

6. A vegan is someone who does not eat 
a) meat. 
b) meat and fish. 
c) meat and animal products. 
d) pizza. 

7. The main argument for the use of animals in experiments is that 
a) we would have to use humans to find cures for disease but humans are more important than animals. 
b) they don?t complain (too much). 
c) animals don?t have rights (since they can?t claim them). 
d) none of the above. 

8. Which architect tried to design buildings as an organic and integral part of nature? 

a) Le Corbusier 
b) Philip Johnson 
c) Brunelleschi 
d) Frank Lloyd Wright 

9. Choose which arguments support the protection of endangered species. 
a) An irreverence for a small segment of life affects one?s reverence for all life. 
b) Nature always allows species to become extinct. 
c) All animals contribute in some way to the balance of nature. 
d) If species are going extinct as a result of what we do that is part of nature. 

10. What should our relationship to nature be 
a) wholistic. 
b) dominion over. 
c) use it or lose it. 
d) don?t worry, be happy. " 
- Sent to Other Homework Expert Tutor on 5/31/2010 at 1:11pm 
You asked:
"Chapter 14 
1. Paternalism in medicine is best captured in the phrase 
a) doctors know best. 
b) patients know best. 
c) nurses know best. 
d) all of the above. 

2. The engineering model of doctor-patient relations suggests that 
a) the patient is the engineer of his illness. 
b) the doctor is a qualified technician treating and improving the body-machine. 
c) the patient is valued above all else. 
d) doctor and patient are part of a team. 

3. That doctors should tell their patients what they want to know and when they want to know it is referred to as the _____ approach to truth telling. 
a) paternalistic 
b) patient?s rights 
c) moderate 
d) worst 

4. If doctors all agree that patient related-information is private then why is confidentiality an issue? 
a) Doctors find it difficult to keep quiet. 
b) Doctors get paid from the newspapers for releasing secret information. 
c) Doctors are known for breaking confidences. 
d) Protecting the innocent. 

5. The assumption behind informed consent is that 
a) patients don?t understand their condition. 
b) doctors might abuse their trust. 
c) doctors and nurses often do things against a patient?s will. 
d) in order to consent to a procedure a patient must be informed about it. 

6. A _________ approach to human behavior control would insist that we don?t know what the standard for normal behavior is. 
a) behaviorist 
b) antibehaviorist 
c) kantian 
d) caring 

7. So called ____________ is a technique used to deal with overeating, drug or alcohol abuse. 
a) brain surgery 

b) "hot wax" treatment 
c) carrot „n? stick 
d) aversive conditioning 

8. The main moral argument against the use of human beings in experiments is that 
a) humans do not make good subjects. 
b) humans should not be used as a means to an end. 
c) animals are less squeamish. 
d) animals don?t think or reason. 

9. The central view of those opposed to stem cell research is that 
a) no good can come of it. 
b) the slippery slope or domino effect will make us like Nazis. 
c) humans can?t "play God." 
d) the procedure kills the embryo. 

10. How will the use of adult stem cells resolve some of the moral issues involved here? 
a) Because they?re older they can deal with it 
b) Because an embryo is not involved 
c) Because adult stem cells are more useful 
d) None of the above  

Reference no: EM13220620

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