Implementing relational database management system

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM1381010

Jim and Tim are brothers who have a love of robots. They started a home based business called 'RoboBoys' where they custom build robots for fun, gifts, competition and decoration. Both men hold degrees in engineering and started doing this in their garage a year ago to escape the boredom of winter. Little did they know that their pet project was going to turn into an international success. For a school project six months ago, Jim's daughter Jill created a small website that contained photos of their robots and an email address for anyone with questions. People only had one question, "When can I get one?" The people who then became customers wanted their robots personalized with their name, special colors or sayings. Before they knew it, the brothers had to quit their engineering job to keep up with orders. They started using a spreadsheet to track information, but now, their customer list is getting too long. The details of the invoices, shipping and custom requests needed to be tracked in a 'sortable' fashion so that it can be kept current for the customer, the government and their own sanity. You've been hired by Jim and Tim to advise them on possible solutions and implement the solutions they choose. You're leaning toward a relational database management system (RDBMS).

Individual Portion:
Prepare a set of PowerPoint slides explaining the following.

Table structure and fields
Primary keys and data/entity relationships
Business rules
Logical and physical models


Reference no: EM1381010

Questions Cloud

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Illustrate what is the amount of scott owner equity : Scott made no capital contributions during the year, but did make withdrawals of $60,000. Illustrate what is the amount of Scott's owner's equity at the end of the year.
Implementing relational database management system : Jim and Tim are brothers who have a love of robots. They started a house based business called 'RoboBoys' where they custom create robots for fun, gifts, competition and decoration.
Suppose that the agent expects both daytime and evening call : Suppose that the agent expects both daytime and evening calls. At what point (ie percentage of call minutes for daytime calls) would she be indifferent between plans A and B?
How industry conditions can this be achieved : The industry is still booming so the management team has set a modest market share objective of .3% increase. Based on the data provided compared to present trade also industry conditions can this be achieved.
Illustrate what further research might be suggested : illustrate what further research might be suggested by the find outings of this study. Or do you have sufficient information to stop the use of reader response cards in Industry Week.
Creating a professional looking document : Find and critique virtual data and word processing skills to make a professional looking document that promotes personal development or financial growth and maturity.


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