Implementation of a whs management system

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Reference no: EM132324358

Task 1:

QUESTION 1: Outline three examples of barriers to the implementation of a WHS Management System. For each barrier. identify a strategy that can be used to overcome the barrier.

QUESTION 2: List three reasons why it is important to consult with staff when implementing or reviewing WHS procedures and policies in the workplace.

QUESTION 3: Describe how positive performance indicators can produce valid and reliable measures of WHS performance

QUESTION 4: Give at least three examples of WHS positive performance indicators

QUESTION 5: Describe how outcome indicators can produce valid and reliable measures of WHS performance

QUESTION 6: Give at feast three examples of WHS outcome indicators

QUESTION 7: Identify and title and date of the WHS/OHS Act and Regulation for the state in which you are located

Question 8: Give a brief explanation of the national harmonization of the work and safety legislation and the name of the WHS/OHS acts for the states that have not adopted this legislation.

Question 9: Describe the two Australian/New Zealand standards relevant to work health and safety management systems.

Question 10: Discuss the purpose of a code of practice and give an example of a WHS code of practice including its title and key purpose.

Question 11: The work health and safety regulations 2011 state hoe to manage risks to heath and safety with regard to hazardous manual tasks. List two issue that should be addressed when determining control measure in the workplace.

Question 12: List five(5) examples of WHS documentation that should be accessible and available to staff.

Question 13: Give three examples of records that an employer should keep and maintain with respect to work health and safety matters

Question 14: Describe the main function of a WHS Management System

Question 15: Describe the structural components of a WHS management system

Question 16: Describe five key areas covered in a WHSMS.

Question 17: Compare and summaries the two commonly recognized and accepted standard for WHS certification in Australia.

Task 2:

You have been appointed as the Operations Manager of a newly created team of office professionals

The organisation, Office Help, is a medium sized company with three departments accounts and finance. multimedia. design and production; and business administration Most of Office Help's work is for other small to medium-sized companies that cannot afford to have their own finance. design, or administration staff Office Help can do a company's books. design their brochures. and co-ordinate their communication channels They also offer (raining to other companies' stall so that they can take over these functions when the company reaches that stage.

The company owns the office where much of the work is done The office has several meeting rooms. a reception and administration area and an open plan office with 8 staff workstations. Most staff prefer e, work with their own laptops. connected to the larger computer screens.

Much of Office Help's work is carried out in the office. but several staff work from home several days each week.
Client consultation is either carved out at the clients offices. or in the meeting rooms at Office Helps premises
The company is performing well financially and are looking at hiring more permanent staff. as well as using more consultants to carry out projects for them. They are also discussing expanding interstate. The company does not yet have a Workplace Health and Safety Management System, but this has been identified as a priority task that should he underway prior to expansion.

Up until now, no staff have been injured at. or on the way to work, but it is understood that a WHS management system should be in place before any more staff are hired or any more clients taken on. Last year a Hazard Inspection Checklist and a Hazardous Incidents Register were developed, but have not really been used since then.

You have been asked to spearhead tins project and to work closely with the company's CEO. who is the company's person conducting a business or' undertaking (PCBU).

The CEO has indicated that he does not want to incur any additional costs in implementing the WHS management system and wants to incorporate WHS responsibilities into existing staff roles These also need to be clearly defined in the health and safety policy and procedure.
If any additional resources are necessary. management expects that an itemised budget will be submitted to them before resources are approved and allocated.

Complete the following activities

1. Write a briefing report
Develop and implement an initial WHS review of the company
Review the case study information provided and conduct research using the Internet, or any other source of information to identify the following:
• Hazards that could be associated with the company's activities
• The experience that the company has had already with WHS issues.
• The form. content. purposes and functions of a WI-IS Management System (WHSMS) that would be appropriate to Office Help and its WHS risks
• Relevant WHS legislation. regulations and codes of practice
• Sources of information on WHS management
• How the development of a WHSMS could be beneficial for Office Help.
• The steps that the company will have to take to develop and implement a WHSMS
• Performance indicators that could be used to measure and evaluate a WHSMS

Use the Brief Report Template to guide your work

2. Meet with the CEO
At the meeting you will need to go through your briefing report clearly explaining the information and your ideas The CEO will provide input into the development of the policy and procedures and the WW; Plan through comments and ideas

Prior to the meeting, look at the WEIS Policy and Procedures Template and the WHS Plan Template to see what you will be working with in the next section of this assessment task You will have the opportunity during the meeting to ask the CEO about the companys position on the topics that you will be required to cover

At the meeting, you will also be required to communicate the WHS policy requirements and commitment requirements to implement a WHSMS

You will also be required to communicate the requirements, and the implementation requirements of a WHS plan appropriate to the organisation, to the CEO

You may wish to take notes on the CEO's comments during the meeting. During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication skills including.
• Speaking clearly and concisely
• Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
• Asking questions to identify required information
• Responding to questions as required
• Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

3 Develop Workplace Health and Safety Policy and Procedures
Review the case study information, your notes from the meeting with the CEO, and research on the Internet for Policy and Procedures from similar companies

The Policy and Procedures must include a commitment to a WHSMS Use the WHS Policy and Procedures Template to guide your work
Save this document as First Draft WHS Policy and Procedures

4 Develop a Workplace Health and Safety Plan
Review the following
• The case study information
• Your notes from the meeting with the CEO
• The Australian/New Zealand Standards (ASINZS) 4801 (2001)
• Internet-based research you have done on WHS Plans for similar companies The WHS plan should include
• Responsibilities of staff and management
• Hazard identification
• Legal and other requirements
• Objectives and targets of the WHS Plan
• Training and competency
• Consultation and communication
• Measurement and evaluation of the WHS Plan
• Records and Record Management
• WHS Auditing
• Management WHS review
Use the WHS Action Plan Template to guide your work
Save this document as First Draft WHS Action Plan

5. send an email to the CEO (your assessor)
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite business like) style. it should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachments and as for approval to move forward with the project
Attach the following to the email
• First Draft WHS Policy and Procedures
• First Draft WHS Action Plan

Your assessor will respond to, your email with some suggested changes you should make to your documents

6 Review your WHS documents
Incorporate the CEO's suggestion into your WHS Policy and Procedures, and WHS Action Plan You are required to collaborate with your CEO to produce these documents, so incorporating your assessor s feedback into these documents is assessable.
Rename each document with 'Second Draft at the beginning of their names

7. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor)
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English written in an appropriate (polite. business-like) style
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachments and ask for approval to move forward with the project
Attach the following to the email
• Second Draft WHS Policy and Procedures
• Second Draft WHS Action plan

Assessment Task 3: WHS Policy development

In the role of Operations Manager of Office Help, you are required to present the new WHS documentation to Office Help staff to ensure their collaboration and to assist in their implementation. Your assessor and
other students will roleplay staff members.
This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in your RTO.

• Access to textbooks and other learning materials
• Access to a computer, printer. Internet and email software (if required)
• Briefing Report
• WHS Policy and Procedures
• WHS Action Plan
• Hazard Inspection Checklist
• Hard copy of the Hazard Inspection Checklist
• Hazardous Incidents Register
• Hard copy of the Hazardous Incidents Register
• Workspace WHS Checklist
• Hard copy of the Workspace WHS Checklist
• Presentation space with projector for presentation

Instructions for Task 3
Complete the following activities

1 Develop a PowerPoint presentation.

In order to present the new WHS policy and procedures and WHS plan to staff for their collaboration, you are required to develop a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following.You will be required to develop at least 8 PowerPoint slides to accompany your presentation that include graphics such as tables charts or images
Your presentation should cover, as a minimum the following
• What a WHS Management System is
• What the expected outcomes of implementing a WHSMS at Office Help are
• WHS Policy and Procedures
• WHS Plan
• Planned WHS actions, and roles and responsibilities
• Measurement and evaluation requirements
Review the presentation requirements as set out in activity 3 to ensure that you include all the required information in your presentation
The PowerPoint slides should include graphics such as tables, charts, or images to add Interest to your presentation

2 Conduct a hazard inspection
Prior to the meeting you are required to conduct a hazard inspection of the meeting space using a print out of the Hazard Identification Checklist

Your assessor will set up the room such that there will be at least two hazards for identification Complete the checklist in full using a pen

You will also be required to record recommended corrective actions and future risk control measures You will be assessed on whether you have correctly identified the hazards and suitable corrective actions and risk control measures

Hand this checklist to your assessor before you start the meeting

3 Conduct a WHS presentation for staff
At the outset of the presentation, indicate that the team will be able to ask questions during and at the end of the presentation

Tell them that the WHS Policy and Procedures and the WHS Plan is being developed in collaboration with them, so they should feel free to offer suggestions for alterations to the documents, and to add any additional strategies that they think would be appropriate The meeting attendees should help you to review and improve the WI-ISMS during the presentation
Clearly deliver the presentation content using the PowerPoint slides you have developed during your presentation, you should
• Describe the form, Content, purposes and functions of a WHSMS and its implementation
• What the expected outcomes of implementing a WHSMS at Office Help are
• Facilitate the agreement of the meeting attendees to implement a WHSMS
• Gain their support for the commitment requirements to implement WHSMS
• Discuss the review and improvement requirements of the WHSMS
• Communicate the WHS Policy and Procedures
• Facilitate and support the participation of the meeting attendees in developing and agreeing to WHS Policy and Procedures
• Communicate the requirements of a WHS plan
• Facilitate and support the participation of individuals and parties in developing and agreeing to the WHS plan

Instructions for task 4

Carefully read the following

It is 12 months since Office Help WHS Policy and Procedures and WHS plan were written Staff have responded to the questionnaire sent to them two weeks ago in which they were asked the
• Whether they consider themselves to be involved in the WHS process
• Whether they consider that WHS is being handled well at Office Help
• Whether they have had any negative WHS experiences own the year

They were also asked whether in their experience the following key performance indicators have been met
• A Hazard Identification Checklist is filled out before every meeting and presentation by the person convening the meeting or conducting the presentation
• All Hazards identified are recorded in the Hazardous Incidents Register
• That each home based workstation is assessed annually to using the Workspace WHS Checklist
• There should be one person in every office that is trained to perform basic hest aid

The response rate to the questionnaire was 80% and the responses showed that
• The staff of Office Help consider themselves to be involved in the WHS process, and that WHS issues am being well handled al the company
• Several staff have been supported to obtain their basic first and certificate, and currently each office has at least one staff member with this certificate
• It has taken the whole year for all workstations to the individually assessed using the Workspace
WHS Checklist Apart from Barbara's suspected repetitive strain injury, this has caused no direct injuries
• Staff claim that they we performing hazard inspections before each meeting but that they have had no hazards to report except for the frayed extension cord that Samiya reported
• No-one experienced a hazardous incident that has not been included in the Hazardous Incidents Register

One staff member wrote the following at the bottom of their questionnaire

1 have only been working at Office Help for two months, and all of the staff and clients have been very kind to me I have experienced no incidents of bullying among the staff, but in the last place I worked bullying was rife It was the reason that I left that job. Perhaps while Office Help is still relatively smallBullying could he recognised as a WHS issue and included m the WHS Policy and Procedures '

Complete the following activities.

1 Write a WHS internal audit
Review the WHS Plan and the WHS Policy and Procedures that you completed in the last assessment task and the case study information above

Write a yearly internal audit that includes
• A summary of WHS issues encountered by staff, clients and contractors over the year
• The extent to which objectives and targets have been met
• Summarise the results of the annual stair WHS questionnaire
• Any recommendations for changes to be made to the WHS Policy and Procedures, ensuring that you clearly explain why changes should be made.

Use the WHS Internal Audit Template to guide your work

Your internal audit should be about one page long

2 Send an email to the CEO (your assessor)

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English written in an appropriate (polite business-like) style

It should briefly explain the purpose and contents of the report and summarise the key changes you wish to make to the WHS policy and procedures

The email text should ask the CEO for their feedback on your suggested changes Attach your WHS internal audit to the email

3 Revise the WHS Policy and Procedures Include the revision(s) as discussed with the CEO

4 Send an email to all staff
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite. business-like) style
It should advise them of the report, and the changes to the WHS Policy and Procedures Ask staff for their feedback on these documents
Attach your WHS Internal Audit and your revised WHS Policy and Procedures to the email

Verified Expert

This assignment discuss the importance of WHS rules and regulations, acts, codes of practices in an organisation which includes different policies and procedure in order to apply works safety in the work place for the safety of the employees and staff by providing proper training and making staffs understand about the importance of maintaining safety within the organisation. This study also include the mail sent for the approval of the policies and procedure and feedback to CEO of the companies and to the staffs. WHS internal audit has been explained in this assignment and in addition the mail has been sent to the staff for feedback from such changes.

Reference no: EM132324358

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