Implement and present a website in dreamweaver

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13860318

You will need to plan, develop, implement and present a WEBSITE in Dreamweaver for ONE of the following clients who want to present, popularise and sell their products online.

1. NZ Painting was established in 1904 with the dream in mind of being able to supply high quality artworks at an affordable price to the public. Currently, our artworks being displayed in over 150 local cafes, restaurants, and show homes around New Zealand. Our dream is to make these beautiful works of art to everyone not only in New Zealand but all over the world. As we work with a great number of artists, NZ Painting has the advantage of being able to provide high quality artworks in a wide variety of styles at reasonable and affordable prices. Our paintings come under the following categories: Abstract, Christmas, Landscape, Pop art, Portrait, Quote and Text, Sculpture, Split Canvas, Sticker and Still life.

2. Auckland City Books was established in 1971 and our book shops are in every little town in New Zealand. We stock books on a wide variety of subjects including Art, Drama, Humour, Music, Photography, Biography, Sports, Business , Careers, Investing, Cooking and Food, Education, Fiction and Poetry, Travel, Health and Self-Help, Medicine, Nutrition, Psychology, Recovery and Addiction, Relationships, Gardening, Interior Design, Sustainable Living, Humanities. However, with the popularity of internet, the habits of book reading and buying are rapidly decreasing. We therefore change our strategy and want to make our books available on the World Wide Web so that we don't have to have all the physical book shops. We just want to run the business from a warehouse.

3. Wall Street Wines opened in June 1860, the product of David Smith's and Jamie Dacey's idea that Dunedin might support a shop that indulged their love for naturally made wines from artisanal small producers. There are very, very few brand names here. We choose wines that express their origins, the talent and commitment of the growers and winemakers, and the inherent quality of the vintage. Every wine we stock is tasted, re-tasted, debated.... this is a shop where everyone who works here actually loves wine, drinks wine with food, and knows at least a little bit about what we're selling. Particular strengths here are the Loire Valley, Burgundy and the Rhone, Piedmont, Austria and Germany; we are always working to improve our selection, and we want our wine to be available to all new Zealanders to begin with who would like to buy them over the internet.

Instructions\Tasks Using DREAMWEAVER

Part A: Documentation
- The title of the site, a short explanation of its purpose, the target audience.
- A site map of all pages showing how the site is organised.
- A diagram/scenario of all the paths/functions that users can take/do on the site.
- Evidence of research carried out to understand the present web designs for business purposes and how usability is implemented in the website you have developed.
- Page designs for each page showing the layout, design metaphors and technical details of the media used on the page. Specify which elements are static and which are dynamic.
- Elements of each page and links to other pages clearly shown and labelled.
- A short explanation about where and how JavaScript/JQuery/Ajax and CSS have been used on the site.
- A clear explanation of how SEO is implemented on each of the pages.
- Evidence of testing on at least 3 browsers. Details of any user and browser-tests that were carried out.
- A list of future improvements (i.e. problems identified in user and browser tests that you didn't have time to implement).
- Reference the use of any external code/media element.

Part B: Website
- All the pages of the website contain will appropriate and reasonable amount of information both pictorial and textual.
- Have standard page elements: headers, titles, navigational menus and footers.
- Include internal and external hyperlinks, images and videos/audios, where applicable.
- Must be dynamic. Instead of reloading the content of the whole page, only update the content of the element that has been changed. (You can't use iframe to achieve this).
- Allow user to interactively add, move and delete items.
- Able to create and send XML request to the server.
- Contain forms (e.g. contact, feedback, purchase order, forum forms). Form must be validated.
- Pages will include a JavaScript/JQuery for animation for effective presentation of items/products.
- Provide a working search box interface.
- Have a fluid and interactive navigation.
- Conform to HTML standards and use CSS and JavaScript.
- Conform to usability, accessibility and SEO rules.
- Looks professional, high standard of visual design, fast and minimal errors.
- Work in a range of browsers/platforms.

Reference no: EM13860318

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