Identifies the social marketing elements of the program

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Reference no: EM131034791

Assignment 1


Write an annotated bibliography for each of the sources you plan to use for the Final Project due in Unit 2. Please refer to the Unit 2 Final Project guidelines before choosing your sources.


- The bibliography should be at least 500 words in length.

- There should be a minimum of three peer-reviewed references in APA format, and these should be sources you plan on using for the Final Project.

- Please be sure to download the file "Writing Center Resources" from Doc Sharing to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written assignments.

Submitting Your Work

Please submit your work in a Microsoft Word document. Save it in a location and with the proper naming convention: username-CourseName-section-Unit 1_Assignment.doc.

Assignment 2


Select a current public health issue from the following website:

Source: Retrieved from

Conduct a search for programs at the local, state or federal level that are addressing your chosen issue and write a minimum 1200 word paper that:

- Provides an overview of the program.
- Classifies which of the three core functions and ten essential services this program addresses.
- Describes the health education components of the program.
- Identifies the social marketing elements of the program.
- Summarizes information provided to the media regarding the program.
- Addresses how the program deals with cultural competency or health disparities, including cultural and ethical values that impact behaviors as they relate to the public health issue.
- Explains the collaboration between stakeholders for program success.
- Describes health policy recommendations that the program is aiming to develop or could use to advance the program.
- Evaluates the effectiveness of the program through statistics or successes.
- Identifies challenges within the program, including but not limited to reaching the target audience and funding.
- Suggests next steps for the program, such as spin off programs based on the successes, or expansion to other areas of the community, state or nationally.


- The paper should be at least 1200 words in length in APA format.
- Include the list of references from the annotated bibliography written during Unit 8, plus any additional supporting sources in APA format.
- Please be sure to download the file "Writing Center Resources" from Doc Sharing to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written assignments.

Submitting Your Work

Put your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Save it in a location and with the proper naming convention: username-CourseName-section-Unit 2_Assignment.doc

Reference no: EM131034791

Questions Cloud

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Identifies the social marketing elements of the program : Describes the health education components of the program. Identifies the social marketing elements of the program. Summarizes information provided to the media regarding the program.
Different sets of constituents to satisfy : Hulu has three different sets of constituents to satisfy. Who are they and how does Hulu serve each of them? Do the needs of these customer groups converge?
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Calculate the fugacity of methane in a mixture of 80 mol% : Using the Lewis fugacity rule, calculate the fugacity of methane in a mixture of 80 mol% meth- ane and 20 mol% ethane atT5190.6 K andP532.2 bar.


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