How to manage change and reorganisation lawfully

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131289211 , Length: word count:4000

Assessment Information This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:
1 Understand the purpose of employment regulation and the way it is enforced in practice.

2 Know how to manage recruitment and selection activities lawfully.

3 Know how to manage change and reorganisation lawfully.

4 Know how to manage issues relating to pay and working time lawfully.

5 Be able to ensure that staff are treated lawfully when they are at work. 6 Know how to manage performance and disciplinary matters lawfully.

This assignment is an individual assignment.

Each case scenario/question carries marks as indicated. You are advised to divide the word limit of 4,000 words equally between the two questions. You must use appropriate case law and legislation in order to support your answers.

Assessment Information

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:

1 Understand the purpose of employment regulation and the way it is enforced in practice.

2 Know how to manage recruitment and selection activities lawfully.

3 Know how to manage change and reorganisation lawfully.

4 Know how to manage issues relating to pay and working time lawfully.

5 Be able to ensure that staff are treated lawfully when they are at work.

6 Know how to manage performance and disciplinary matters lawfully.

This assignment is an individual assignment. Each case scenario/question carries marks as indicated. You are advised to divide the word limit of 4,000 words equally between the two questions. You must use appropriate case law and legislation in order to support your answers.

You are also very concerned about the following interpersonal issues:

• how will Michael's colleagues react?

• how should you, as the HR Manager, deal with any issues?

• how will the customers react? Your task is to outline the legal implications of this situation and set out your recommendations for action in a report. M

Additional Advice:


Appropriate referencing, particularly of cases and law materials, is vital and good work will have a reference list (of cases, legislation and other sources) for all material used in the text, plus a bibliography of all materials which have been accessed and read, even if not actually quoted in the text itself.

Word Count: The bibliography and reference list should not be included in the word count.
Pay attention to Learning Outcomes: Students should consider to what extent they have demonstrated the learning outcomes in their answer, as this is a key criterion for a successful assessment result.

Structure: The answer should be in report format, with clear headings, paragraphs and numbering where appropriate. The reports should, as a minimum, have the following sections (and possibly convenient sub-sections dealing with the issues raised):

a) Introduction: A very brief outline of the key issues, background/situation in scenario etc. Do not just repeat the facts of the question.

b) Findings: An analysis of the legal position should be included, using legislation and case law to define the issues involved on both sides.

c) Conclusions: What the legal position is believed to be.

d) Recommendations: What the company needs to do now - in the short term and long term.

Attachment:- assessment_information.doc

Reference no: EM131289211

Questions Cloud

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What is the purpose of a prepackaged bankruptcy : What is the purpose of a prepackaged bankruptcy? Would a prepackaged bankruptcy be more likely to be used for a liquidation or a reorganization?
Explain the planning consideration for staffing organization : Develop a model for staffing an organization that supports the firm's Human Resources Management strategy and sustains productive operations.
Global variables and special values : Your program should not use any global variables and special values such as coffee cup sizes and cost of a coffee cup must be declared as named constants.
How to manage change and reorganisation lawfully : Understand the purpose of employment regulation and the way it is enforced in practice. how to manage recruitment and selection activities lawfully.
What trends are likely to affect profitability of industry : What major trends are likely to affect the profitability of the industry? Which are likely to improve profitability and which are likely to damage profitability of the industry as a whole?
Determine the cash flows in the swap : Using the following information about LIBOR at the end of each of the next fi ve years, determine the cash flows in the swap.
How could you capitalize on the arbitrage opportunity : If the price is not fair, how could you capitalize on the arbitrage opportunity? What is the potential profit? Assume monthly compounding for borrowing and lending.
Understanding of various chemical process and technology : Comprehensive understanding of various chemical process and technology related to petrochemical industry Critical understanding on production of various petrochemicals.


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