How can the website of the organization support them

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131028455

Assuming that you are running the e-business department of an organization, reference to the elements of the Micro and Macro environments of e-business, how are you going to deal with each of the following elements in relation to the question assigned to each one of them?

1. Customers: How can the website of the organization support them?

2. Competitors: How are you going to maintain your competitive advantage?

3. Intermediaries: What should you do regarding this element?

4. Suppliers: How are you going to strengthen your relations with them?

5. Society: what is your moral commitment toward the society?

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This paper states about how to do deal with different elements while running e business. This particularly states about how e business website can support customer and in order to maintains competitive advantage steps requires to be taken. It also states how relationship with supplier to be strengthen and through e business what is the moral commitment towards the society.

Reference no: EM131028455

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