Find a venue and organise equipment

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Reference no: EM131394304 , Length: word count:2000


Be sure to carefully read the instructions for each section of the assessment.

You are required to work with (3) different clients to assist them to achieve their fitness goals. Ensure that your clients are free from injury and have medical clearance to participate.

Please note that the content of your assessments should match the requirements of each task containing exercises and training protocols you have learnt through the course.

Equipment required for this assessment:
- Video Camera or iPad
- Access to gym equipment
- Four people - one to film your assessment and three to play your clients
1) Find two people to help you with this assessment

- One person to play the client
- One person to operate the camera

You should direct your training instructions and discussion to the client - not to the camera. Think of the camera as a fly on the wall that happens to capture a real life training session. While the camera must be able to adequately capture both audio and visual aspects of your assessment, your assessor needs to see your demonstrated ability to build rapport through conversation, acknowledgement and client focus.

2) Find a venue and organise equipment

The venue that you select will depend on the client group that you select. Either indoor or outdoor locations are permitted, provided they are safe for exercise. Remember that this is a demonstration of how you will deliver your sessions, so the environment should suit that of a professional personal training service.

Risk assessments should be completed on the venue prior to conducting your training sessions.

3) Practice, practice, practice

Practice makes perfect! Practice each section of the assessment on different people at least twice before your mock assessment (below) to ensure you are familiar with all requirements and can complete the assessment in the time allowed.

4) Mock assessment

Practice one final time in the venue you will be using or with your Pro- Trainer to ensure that you and your client can be seen and heard clearly at all times during filming.

5) Filming Guidelines

- Use a video camera (preferred), iPad or digital camera. Smart phones are highly discouraged due to poor audio visual quality and limited picture width.

- We must be able to see you and your client at all times.

- We must be able to hear you and your client clearly at all times.

- Do a test run of filming to ensure that sound quality, lighting and visibility is suitable.

- Use appropriate camera angles that ensure that the assessor can clearly view you and your subject. Make sure that you speak loudly and clearly and that you have sufficient lighting. Common faults include poor DVD quality (fuzzy), poor lighting, muffled sound, stops and starts.

- If the assessor cannot see or hear you, you will be asked to re-submit your work.

- The assessment video submission must not take longer than 60 minutes, so please ensure you can progress through each section in a concise, yet effective manner.

Assessment Requirements

1) At the beginning of your filming, introduce yourself to the camera and
- State your name
- State the date
- State your student number
- Hold your photo ID up in front of the camera so that your details can clearly be seen (driver's license, passport, proof of age card or other state/commonwealth issued photo ID). (Your assessment will not be marked without ID verification as described above).

2) Give a brief introduction to video camera to what we can expect to see.

3) Cover three (3) different clients from the following categories and follow the assessment instructions.
Tip1: We recommend that you film each part separately.
Tip 2: You are not permitted to read off notes during your assessment when explaining concepts such as blood pressure and functional anatomy. By this stage of the course, you should know what is required, without having to refer to notes.

4) Submitting your footage

- The assessment video submission must not take longer than 30 minutes for each session.

- Submit your footage by uploading the link to YouTube, Google Drive or other file-sharing site.Dropbox is not recommended.

- Please include your name and student number in the file name. You will still need to submit your paperwork via uploading it to the Hub.

- Watch your footage from start to finish prior to sending to ensure that nothing is missing and that the sound of it is clear.

- Please put the links of your video assessment by copying the link and pasting it into the assessment cover sheet to be marked.

- The video must be made live and available for 6 months from the submission date for compliance audit purposes.

- You must keep a copy of your video submission and completed assessment document.

Assessment Instructions

Please follow the assessment instructions below to design and conduct your practical assessment. Do not use any equipment or modes of exercise outside the scope of this qualification such as Boxing.

Client 1- Older adults:
1. Plan and document TWO (2) x 60min training sessions. (1 program in week 1 and 1 program in week 6).
2. Conduct TWO (2) x 60min training sessions. No filming required.

Client 2- Hypertrophy:
1. Plan and document TWO (2) x 45mintraining session for week 1
2. Plan and document TWO (2) x 45min training session for week 6
3. Conduct TWO (2) x 45min-training sessions fromweek 1. No filming required.

Client 3- Fat loss:
1. Plan and document TWO (2) x 30min training sessions. (1 program in week 1 and 1 program in week 6).
2. Conduct and film TWO (2) x 30min training sessions. (Program 1 and Program 2).

You are required to cover three(3) different clients from each of following categories.



Client 1- Older adult

No filming required.

Your client must be either:

  • A deconditioned or frail male (over 45)
  • A deconditioned or frail female (over 50)
  • An active male or female (over 60)

They can have any goal at all.

Client 2- Hypertrophy

No filming required.

  • Your client must have a goal of increasing their lean muscle mass.
  • They may be either an intermediate or advanced client.
  • A 2 day split program is required. (2 program cards are needed).


Client 3-  Fat loss

Conduct and film TWO (2) x 30min training sessions. (Program 1 and Program 2).

Your client must have a goal of reducing their body fat. Ideally they should have a BMI that is considered to be overweight or obese, a body fat percentage that is considered high or a high waist-to-hip ratio. A 1 day program is required.

Client Summary Table

Your clients

Client 1- Older adults
Gender: male
Age:29 - 60yo for this assessment

Client 2- Hypertrophy
Name: Alessandra Viviani
Gender: Female

Client 3- Fat loss
Name: Davide Gallo
D.O.B: 30/11/1989
Age:27Pre Program
Presents, behaves and communicates in a professional manner.
Uses positive and effective communication to build rapport with client
Explain the session objective

Program 1
Identifies correct exercise name
Explain benefits of exercises
Explains and demonstrates how to operate the equipment
Demonstrate correct exercise technique
Explain and appropriate safety tips.
Provides effective instructional cues e.g. stabilisation/posture, breathing.
Provides guidance on intensity
Reinforces all cues and instructions
Offers easier variations or exercise progressions.
Positions themselves with suitable placement to the client to ensure safety and technique adjustments can be made for the client.

Program 2
Identifies correct exercise name
Identifies correct exercise name
Explain benefits of exercises
Explains and demonstrates how to operate the equipment
Demonstrate correct exercise technique
Explain and appropriate safety tips.
Provides effective instructional cues e.g. stabilisation/posture, breathing
Provides guidance on intensity
Reinforces all cues and instructions
Offers easier variations or exercise progressions.
Positions themselves with suitable placement to the client to ensure safety and technique adjustments can be made for the client.

Read below for specific details.

CLIENT 1- Older Adults Program.
Plan, deliver and document TWO (2) x 60min training sessions

- Complete the following client profile.
- Complete and attach a screening form to this assessment.
- Conduct a "perfect practice" postural assessment.
- Conduct a body composition assessment
- Conduct a muscular and afitness assessment that you require prior to being able to design your programs

Client name:RouvenOustermann
Client age: 60
SMART goal:
Rouven will ride his bike 50km a week in 8 weeks time.

Exercise history: (What type of exercise experience they have done in the past).
Rouven at young age played soccer and swim every day as live by the beach.
Doesn't have a history of weight lifting but has always been active. 3 kids to look after and around his 30's found a passion for biking. Joined a local group for small rides over the weekend length of 20-30km.

Current training details: (What exercise have they been doing within the last 3 months).
He's been swimming twice a week for 20/30 minutes.
He rides his biking each weekend for an average of 25km.

Client 1- Program 1. Older Adults Program.
Step 2: Clearly write out the details of your planned session using the template below

Client 1- Program 1. Older Adults Program.
STEP 3 - Evaluating Session
List four (4) things you observed about your client's performance in today's session- e.g. what movement patterns they found easy/hard, technique/exercise execution, etc.

Based on the outcome of your client's postural assessment, list three (3) exercises/stretches/strategies have you included in your program to actively improve their posture?

Even the best made session plans will need to be modified during the session based on your client's performance. What activities did you need to modify? Why? How did you modify them?

Based on today's session, what will you plan to work on/address with your client in their next session?

Explain how you made today's session:




Program 2- WEEK 6- Older Adults program.
Step 2: Clearly write out the details of your planned session using the template below

STEP 3 - Evaluating Session

List four (4) things you observed about your client's performance in today's session- e.g. what movement patterns they found easy/hard, technique/exercise execution, etc.

Based on the outcome of your client's postural assessment, list three (3) exercises/stretches/strategies have you included in your program to actively improve their posture?

Even the best made session plans will need to be modified during the session based on your client's performance. What activities did you need to modify? Why? How did you modify them?

Explain how you made today's session:




CLIENT 2- Hypertrophy Program.

Plan, deliver and document TWO (2) x 45min training sessions

- Complete the following client profile.
- Complete and attach a screening form to this assessment.
- Conduct a "perfect practice" postural assessment.
- Conduct a body composition assessment
- Conduct a muscular and a fitness assessment that you require prior to being able to design your programs

Exercise history: (What type of exercise experience they have done in the past).

Current training details: (What exercise have they been doing within the last 3 months).

Relevant medical information:

SESSION 1- Hypertrophy Program.

Clearly write out the details of your planned session using the template

Evaluating SESSION 1
List four (4) things you observed about your client's performance in today's session- e.g. what movement patterns they found easy/hard, technique/exercise execution, etc.

Based on the outcome of your client's postural assessment, list three (3) exercises/stretches/strategies have you included in your program to actively improve their posture?

Even the best made session plans will need to be modified during the session based on your client's performance. What activities did you need to modify? Why? How did you modify them?

Hypertrophy Program.
Clearly write out the details of your planned session using the template below

List four (4) things you observed about your client's performance in today's session- e.g. what movement patterns they found easy/hard, technique/exercise execution, etc.

Based on the outcome of your client's postural assessment, list three (3) exercises/stretches/strategies have you included in your program to actively improve their posture?

Even the best made session plans will need to be modified during the session based on your client's performance. What activities did you need to modify? Why? How did you modify them?

Based on today's session, what will you plan to work on/address with your client in their next session?

Clearly write out the details of your planned session using the template below
Session objective (What are you aiming to achieve in this session?):

CLIENT 3- Fat Loss Program.
Plan, deliver and document TWO (2) x 30min training sessions
***Remember, you MUST film and submit these two sessions***

- Complete the following client profile.
- Complete and attach a screening form to this assessment.
- Conduct a "perfect practice" postural assessment.
- Conduct a body composition assessment
- Conduct a muscular and a fitness assessment that you require prior to being able to design your programs

Client 3- Session 1. Fat Loss Program.
Step 2: Clearly write out the details of your planned session using the template

List four (4) things you observed about your client's performance in today's session- e.g. what movement patterns they found easy/hard, technique/exercise execution, etc.

Based on the outcome of your client's postural assessment, list three (3) exercises/stretches/strategies have you included in your program to actively improve their posture?

Even the best made session plans will need to be modified during the session based on your client's performance. What activities did you need to modify? Why? How did you modify them?

Based on today's session, what will you plan to work on/address with your client in their next session?

List four (4) things you observed about your client's performance in today's session- e.g. what movement patterns they found easy/hard, technique/exercise execution, etc.

Based on the outcome of your client's postural assessment, list three (3) exercises/stretches/strategies have you included in your program to actively improve their posture?

Even the best made session plans will need to be modified during the session based on your client's performance. What activities did you need to modify? Why? How did you modify them?

Based on today's session, what will you plan to work on/address with your client in their next session?

Reference no: EM131394304

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