Explanation of negative gearing of capital gains

Assignment Help Taxation
Reference no: EM131048814

BULAW3731 Income Tax Law &Practice Assignment

Purpose - To enable you to research an aspect of taxation law and its practice.

It is important for you to have time to think through how to structure and present your responses, and to review and discuss what the law is or should be in a particular area. Whilst discussion with others is encouraged, the final piece of work must be your own.

Word Limit - Estimated 2,250 - 2,500 in total. Please be aware that assignments less than the required length will risk not covering the topic adequately.

Topic - This year in Australia there will be a federal election, and tax reform is currently a topic of debate. The Leader of the Opposition, the Honorable Bill Shorten MP, recently released an election policy on negative gearing and the treatment of capital gains tax discounts as they relate to the housing market (the Policy).

Required - Identify and explain the key areas of the Policy, then evaluate whether it exhibits the features (characteristics) of a good tax system.

In your response you must include an explanation of negative gearing and the existing treatment of capital gains as they relate to property investors - referring to sections of legislation, tax rulings and cases where relevant. You must also identify and discuss features or characteristics of a good tax system.

Reference no: EM131048814

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Taxation Questions & Answers

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