Explain the maintenance of capital doctrine

Assignment Help Taxation
Reference no: EM131359395


REGISTER A NO LIABILITY COMPANY complete all the forms/ consents registers read section 117, 112(2) and all other relevant sections

RESEARCH AND EXPLAIN THE MAINTENANCE OF CAPITAL DOCTRINE -- This is a research assignment therefore there must be a Bibliography - it must be foot noted and any quotations must be in " " quotation marks.

This research requires you to research the history and reason for it's development and form an opinion whether it is still part of the Australian Corp Law and whether it is a necessary part of Corp Law. Your opinions must be supported by your research.


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As per the requirement, the consent documents for the directors, secretary & owner have been attached as under : 1. Requirement as per Corporations Act, 2001 - This document describes the the requirement of the act in case of consent needed for the registration of the company. 2. Director 1 & Director 2 : The consent certificate to be signed by the directors of the company to perform the role as the director of the company. 3. Secretary : The consent certificate to be signed by the secretary of the company to perform the role as the secretary of the company. 4. Shareholder 1 & Shareholder 2 : The consent certificate to be signed by the owners of the company agreeing to subscribe the shares.

Reference no: EM131359395

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