Evaluate janice morgans federal income tax payable

Assignment Help Taxation
Reference no: EM132837

Question :

Janice Morgan, age 32, is single and has no dependents. She is a freelance writer. In January 2011, Janice opened her office located at 2751 Waldham Road, Pleasant Hill, NM 88135. She called her business Writers Anonymous. Janice is a cash basis taxpayer. She lives at 132 Stone Avenue, Pleasant Hill, NM 88135. Her Social Security number is 123-45-6789. Janice needs to contribute to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund. During 2011, Janice had the subsequent income and expense items connected with her business: Income from sale of articles $85,000 Rent 16,500 Utilities 7,900 Supplies 1,800 Insurance 5,000 Travel (adding meals of $1,200) 3,500 Janice purchased and placed in service the subsequent fixed assets for her business: Fixtures and Furniture (new) costing $17,000 on January 10, 2011.

Computer equipment (new) costing $40,000 on July 28, 2011.

Janice did elect direct expensing under § 179. She elected not to take additional first-year depreciation. Janice's itemized deductions are as given: State income tax $3,000 Home mortgage interest paid to First Bank 6,000 Property taxes on home 1,500 Charitable contributions 1,200 Janice did not save a record of the sales tax she paid. The amount from the sales tax table is $437. Janice has interest income of $5,000 on certificates of deposit at Second Bank. Janice makes estimated tax payments of $17,000 for 2011. Evaluate Janice Morgan's 2011 Federal income tax payable. If you use tax forms for your computations, you will require Forms 1040 and 4562 and Schedules A, B, C, and SE.

Reference no: EM132837

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