Dimensions and attributes in a star schema model

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM1353997

Question 1

(a) Explain the use of facts, dimensions and attributes in a star schema model.

(b) In relation to a fact table, what does the term granularity refer to? What are the implications of implementing either high or low granularity?

Question 2

(a) Why did SAP introduce the extended star schema? Explain why it is reported to be better than the traditional schema model?

(b) What is the difference between a dimension used in a traditional star schema and Saps' extended star schema?

Question 3

(a)  What are slow changing dimensions and describe the three methods that can be used to cater for slowly changing dimensions.

 Question 4

(a)  When designing an extended star schema what are the design considerations for the Fact Table and Dimensions in terms of size?  Why?

Question 5

Case Study

Northwind Pty Ltd sells a variety of food products throughout the world.  They want to use the reporting features of SAP's Business Information Warehouse to better understand their sales. 

In the Kick-off Meeting the Steering Committee provides the SAP Consultants with the necessary information about reporting requirements for the Northwind prototype to be installed:

The prototype should make it possible to analyze the sales as per the specified reports below.

Instructions: You are required to develop an Extended Star Schema that includes a fact and dimension tables in addition to the necessary Master Data in order to solve the problem outlined above.

Report 1 – Sales per customer


Report 2 – Total value of Sales per category by country


Report 3 – Sales for Boston Crab Meat by Country


The structure of the data available is as follows:


Order Date



Unit Price






Category Name

Customer City




Customer ID

Customer Name




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Reference no: EM1353997

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