Describes the current australian recommendations

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM131177032 , Length:

Question 1:



Battersby and Associates Chartered Accountants is a successful mid-tier accounting firm with a large range of clients across Australia. During the 2015 financial year Battersby and Associates gained a new client, Medical Services Holdings Group (MSHG), which owns 100 per cent of the following entities:

- Green Grass Hospital, a private hospital group
- Green Gardens Nursing Home Pty Ltd, a private nursing home
- Complete Cancer Care Limited (CCCL), a private oncology clinic that specialises in the treatment of cancer.
Year end for all MSHG entities is 30th June.

CCCL owns two relatively old linear accelerators used in radiation therapy. Recently radiographers using these linear accelerators have raised concerns that they have adverse radiation impacts on patients.

The CEO of CCCL, Adam Chase, has approached Belinda Battersby, the audit partner responsible for the financial report audit, about undertaking an engagement in respect of the linear accelerators. Adam has requested Belinda provide an opinion that the linear accelerators are fit for use. Adam pointed out that the CCCL audit is up for tender the following year and suggested that Battersby and Associates might like to take on the linear accelerators engagement without charging a fee as a gesture of goodwill.

Source: Adapted from the CA Program's Audit and Assurance exam, December 2008.


What should Belinda do? Use the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants and the American Accounting Association (AAA) Model to help consider your response to this question.

The best way to present your answer is in a table as below:

Question 2

Good corporate governance reduces the audit risk. Independent directors have been recognised as critical to good corporate governance.


Prepare a report for your fellow students that:

- describes the current Australian recommendations for the inclusion of independent directors in a board of directors,
- evaluates the continuing need for independent directors, and
- identifies barriers to the effectiveness of the role of independent directors.

This assessment has been designed to assess your ability to:
- Be able to explain and critically evaluate influences on audit and assurance services including: Australian and international professional standards, statutory and common laws, regulatory bodies, and public expectations within a global market;
- Be able to exercise critical and reflective judgment and appreciate the value of ethical practice.

Proper APS referencing

Verified Expert

The work is in 2000 words for the two questions in APS format in MS word. The focus of the first question is on the decision making process where there is a need of the accounting APES 1110 rules to set the structure of the organsiation where Belinda is asked for the help in free under the legitimate valuation of the auditing of the Adam company. The other question deals with the indepenedent directors requirement for the coroporate governance. This is important as there has been a proper identification of the different barriers to the same.

Reference no: EM131177032

Questions Cloud

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Political and the economic concepts of monopoly : Discuss the political and the economic concepts of monopoly. What does each say constitutes a monopoly? It was said that the economic concept leads to confusion over which firms are monopolies.
Describes the current australian recommendations : What should Belinda do? Use the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants and the American Accounting Association (AAA) Model to help consider your response to this question.
Which corporal punishment is an effective form of sentencing : Debate the degree to which corporal punishment is an effective form of sentencing when given in conjunction with a prison term.
What is the least amount of fencing needed : 180,000 square feet of land is to be enclosed in a rectangular plot which will then be subdivided into three plots by a pair of fences both parallel to the sides. What is the least amount of fencing needed? (see Figure 8.)
Levels of short-run output : Consider another economy in which the unemployment rate over the next three years is 6%, 7%, and then 4%. Use Okun's law to solve for the levels of short-run output, Y, expected in each year
Discusses a low-income and high-crime area : Briefly describe the situation discussed in your article and then explain how a relationship between income and the crime rate is not the same as income level causing crime.


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