Critique of the social contract

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131221187 , Length: word count:1000



The primary purpose of this assignment is to engage with the theory presented through the subject so far, as it has been used to think about policy, policy development and application. This is policy analysis.


1. Students are required to address one of the statements list below, using one of the policy case studies provided in the essay folder on LMS.

2. Students must use one to two theories (no more) as they have been introduced through the subject.

3. A minimum of 6 scholarly references are required.

4. At least 2 references must be drawn from the set readings for the subject.


1. The social contract is a flawed theoretical foundation for the development of policy. Remember to use the critique of the social contract provided through this subject.

2. The impact of policy on our bodies or our lives can be seen through the use of different theoretical perspectives. Discuss using one to two theories from the subject.

3. Policy inevitably disempowers communities within a democracy. Discuss using interpellation or Hage's theories of belonging.

4. The government should not regulate decisions and practices concerning families, sex or culture. Discuss in the context of neoliberalism, interpellation, the social contract or Hage's theories of belonging.

Provided Policy Case Studies:

(Available in the Essay folder under "Assessment" on LMS)

1. Obesity: Obesity Policy Coalition (2014) Policy Brief: Overweight, Obesity and Chronic Diseases in Australia, Melbourne: Obesity Policy Coalition (pdf available on LMS)

2. Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Immigration: The Coalition (2013) The Coalition's Operation Sovereign Borders Policy Barton: Brian Loughnane. (pdf available on LMS)

3. Domestic Violence: Response to Royal Commission into Family Violence (please find the Victorian Government "Response" presented through this link:

4. Indigenous Australia: Closing the Gap (please find the programmes and initiatives information through this link:

5. Drugs: Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (2011) National Drug Strategy: 2010 - 2015 Canberra: Department of Health and Aging (pdf available on LMS)

1000 words.

5 references.

Reference no: EM131221187

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9/27/2016 1:13:44 AM

The primary purpose of this assignment is to engage with the theory presented through the subject so far, as it has been used to think about policy, policy development and application. This is policy analysis. Students must use one to two theories (no more) as they have been introduced through the subject. A minimum of 6 scholarly references are required. At least 2 references must be drawn from the set readings for the subject. Students will be marked on the basis of their demonstrated capacity in: Conceptual analysis, Use of subject readings and subject theories, Quality and thoroughness of research, Structure and organization, Expression, Referencing and Creativity and innovation.

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