Create and maintain a database server

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131456480

This assignment will assess the following learning outcomes:

Learning Outcomes

1. Create and maintain a database server

2. Design an enterprise data model that incorporates all of the data used by an organisation's business processes

3. Devise and implement database security policies Analyze the scenario and answer the following questions:

Muscat Food Services is an F&B company providing catering services to medium and large

functions. Each function to which Muscat Food Services is providing catering is called an event. Muscat Food Services has many employees working in different shifts. An event is described by event id, event name, customer name and start date. The attributes of employee include employee id, name, address and birth date. A shift is defined by the shift number, shift timing and shift name. An event must have at least one employee assigned and may have any number of employees assigned. An employee may be assigned to maximum one event at a time or may not be assigned to any event. More than one employees work in a shift. An employee may or may not have any shift or may have more than one shift assigned. An event may have one or more shifts. A shift belongs to more than one event. Each employee has a specialization certificate. Attributes of certificate are certificate number, certificate name and description. An employee should have at least one specialization certification or may have more than one certification. A specialization certificate may not be held by any employee or may be held by many employees.

Task 1: Submit a work proposal for this assignment

Task 2:

Discuss all types of Startup modes in database Server.

Task 3:

a. Create an ER-diagram for the above scenario.

b. As a database administrator perform the following tasks for the scenario given above: [Lab demo is required. There will be no marks without a lab demo. The lab demo schedule will be announced in week #9]

i. Create separate physical structures for the new schema as per OFA guidelines

ii. Create a Schema with appropriate privileges.

iii. Convert Entity Relationship Diagram in to database tables with correct relationships and constraints.

iv. Create at least two complex View for any tables in the schema.

Task 4:

There are many steps to secure your system and its data. But one of the first and one that too few organizations take is the development of a security policies that outlines and maps out the enforcement of a security plan that identifies the methods to be followed to maintain security in a system.

Choose an organization in Sultanate of Oman with which you are familiar, possibly your employer, your college or an organization where a friend works.

a) Write the introduction and background of the organisation.

b) Identify any three security policies in the selected organisation. Investigate and prepare report on these policies for the chosen organization.

You are required to use appropriate literature review and use of many library resources to complete this assignment. You will achieve maximum marks for using correct Citation and Harvard Referencing Style in your assignment.

Reference no: EM131456480

Questions Cloud

How do we know when we are getting it done : Who are we? What do we do? For whom do we do this? How do we know when we are getting it done? The purpose statement is the written summary of those answers
How large sample should select if planning value not given : A well-known bank credit card firm wishes to estimate the proportion of credit card holders who carry a nonzero balance at the end of the month.
How did global economy affect your industry : How did global economy affect your industry? How did domestic economy affect your industry (P/E ratio)? Key domestic economy variables - which of them apply?
What will you be paying as monthly mortgage payments : You have secured a loan from your bank for two years to build your home. What will you be paying as monthly mortgage payments.
Create and maintain a database server : DATABASE SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION (COMP 1011) Create and maintain a database server - Design an enterprise data model that incorporates all of the data used by an organisation's business processes
Identify the target stakeholders and their relationship : Concisely describe the company Wal-Mart, and its service or business product. Be sure to include the company's publicly traded name.
Construct confidence interval for the proportion of workers : Workers in several industries were surveyed to determine the proportion of workers who feel their industry is understaffed. In the government sector.
How do your functions relate to your references : If so, explain why. Also, explain what your functions do in your spreadsheet. How do your functions relate to your references?
How large sample would be required to report margin of error : Although airline schedules and cost are important factors for business travelers when choosing an airline carrier, a USA Today survey found that business travel



4/10/2017 1:48:02 AM

Tasks #1 0 1-5 No Submission or student has failed to understand the requirements of the case study Little understanding of deliverables – a detail description of deliverables General overview of task 2 and 3 Tasks #2 0 1-7 Irrelevant or no concept. An startup is provided with few mistakes Tasks #3.a 0 1-5 Irrelevant or no concept. Only entity names Tasks #3.b i (0-3-5) ii (0-3-5) (No marks without a lab demonstration) Or fail to demonstrate/ prove his/ her own work No answer Or Physical Structure without OFA guidelines Or Physical Structure with OFA guidelines No Separate Schema Or Only A schema created Or Schema created with appropriate storage specification and Grant command is used. Task #4 0-4 5-10 Weak, major, Omission, little understanding of given tasks, Not able to prove knowledge in this tasks. Most of the details are not relevant. Or Information provided is not real. Adequate knowledge of key principles and concepts and/or adequate evidence of the application of theory in practice Adequate very basic concept, Not enough efforts in data collection, all data is not real


4/10/2017 1:47:39 AM

Guidelines Follow the guidelines mentioned below for your assignment: ? Assignment documents must be submitted through Moodle and it will undergo plagiarism detection test through turnitin ( a plagiarism detection tool). ? Handwritten assignments / hard copy will not be accepted. ? Use Page Number & proper References. ? Assignment should have a Title Page. Title Page should contain the following information. ? Assignment Name ? Section Name ? Student name ? Student ID Number ? Faculty Name ? The Table of Contents Should have, each deliverable task number, content, page number ? Assignment should be typed in your own words using Times New Roman font size 12. ? Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Underline

Write a Review

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Identify and explain the differences between a stack and a queue data structure

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