Create an external style sheet

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131145452

1. Create an external style sheet (call it format1.css) to format as follows: document background color of white, document text color of #000099, and document font family of Arial, Helvetica, or sans-serif. Hyperlinks should have a background color of gray (#cccccc). Configure the h1 selector to use the Times New Roman font with red text color.

2. Create an external style sheet (call it format2.css) to format as follows: document background color of yellow, document text color of green. Hyperlinks should have a background color of white. elements should use the Times New Roman font with white background color and green text color.

3. Create a web page about your favorite movie that displays the movie name in an tag, a description of the movie in a paragraph, and an unordered list of the main actors and actresses in the movie. The page should also have a hyperlink to a web site about the movie. Place an email link to yourself on the web page.

Reference no: EM131145452

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