Create a website for a bookstore that sells e-books

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131144270

Discussion 1:

"Impact of Browsers on Web Design" Please respond to the following:

• Due to the internal style sheets of some browsers, your Website may look different to someone who is using Firefox as opposed to Internet Explorer. Imagine that you are a Web designer. Explain how would you address this problem and eradicate these inconsistencies.

• Imagine that you are Web designer for a company of your choice (travel, bank, pet food, hair salon, high school, college, landscaper, retail store, etc.). Identify the company and describe what you would check to ensure that a Website is compatible with most browsers.

Discussion 2:

"Layouts and Access" Please respond to the following:

• Envision that you have been asked to create a Website for a bookstore that sells e-Books. Taking into consideration how customers might log in to shop, determine the type of layout you would use. Explain how you came to this decision.

• From the e-Activity, (Go to Six Revision's Website, and read "A Guide to Layout Types in Web Design," located at analyze the difference between designing a Website that will be accessed primarily by computer users, to designing a Website that will be accessed primarily by iPhone users. Predict how designing a Website for iPhone users would impact margins, padding, boarders, and positioning elements.

Reference no: EM131144270

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