Conduct a sustainable audit of an organization

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13841494

Assessment Task: Sustainability Audit


In order to assist businesses to become more sustainable, you will conduct a sustainable audit. This will demonstrate the business's current practices towards achieving sustainability and highlights areas for improvement. The key to this task is observation and secondary research.

Product: Sustainability Audit. Format:

This is a group assessment, 2000 words Criteria This is a written, report style task. Submission is as an E-copy only (via SafeAssign). A detailed description and marking criterion is available on Blackboard. Task will be assessed on the following:


Well planned, with a logical flow Legible e.g. using 10pt (Tahoma, Verdana) or 12 pt font (Times New Roman) with 1.5 line spacing Appropriate use of headings, margins, spacing


Title page (students' names, student numbers, title of the report, course code and tutorial time). Table of contents Introduction and conclusion Executive summary (appropriate length) References list (appropriately presented) Textual references provided and appropriately presented (as per Harvard style) Appendix (as required and appropriately presented) Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation/apostrophes and expression


Evidence of wide reading and use of relevant references (minimum of 8 academic sources) Evidence of effective research Depth, relevance and synthesis of information provided Demonstrate a solid understanding of the criteria required to assess sustainability in the chosen context and an in-depth analysis of the three sustainability dimensions Demonstrate knowledge of the activity chosen and sustainable management in the broader field of TLE Ability to develop a strong, credible argument throughout Clear description of the business Useful discussion of sustainability auditing and the relevance to TLEM Clear discussion of issues associated with assessing sustainability The provision of relevant, well thought, justified and researched recommendations Application of theory to practice Completion and inclusion of group task completion sheet.

Reference no: EM13841494

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