Complete the risk determination worksheets

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM132257410

Risk Determination & Decision Tree Analysis

1. Review Module-5 Lecture Notes and Chapter Readings

2. Use the Risk Determination Excel Workbook and complete the following worksheets:
a. Corporate Assets Risk Summary - Tab
i. Use the Reference Tab in the workbook to select the appropriate values from the respective tables and complete Columns C, D, E, F, & G (Hint: use the Threat Vulnerability Reference Table; return the numerical value for the corresponding probability and impact).

Threat Vulnerability Work Table



















ii. Column H (Risk Score) is a calculated field already formatted
iii. Column I (Possible Safeguards) provide the safeguards you would put in place to mitigate the threat (e.g., controls, policies, etc.); provide sufficient level of detail
iv. Column J (Cost Estimates) provide cost estimates/ranges for the safeguards you would put in place to mitigate the threat; provide sufficient level of detail in the Comments Section Column K.
v. Provide thorough summary analysis of each section
b. Occupation Analysis - Tab
i. Use the Risk Level Table provided on worksheet (Cells B25-C31) to assign the appropriate value for each occupation and the corresponding threats outlined in Columns C,D,E,& F
ii. Column G (Total) is a calculated filed already formatted
iii. Complete the occupational analysis; answer the four questions after completing your occupational vulnerability assessment; provide sufficient level of detail in your responses.
c. Decision Tree Analysis - Tab
i. Examine the Decision Tree Analysis for enterprise CRM solution approach
ii. Complete the corresponding tables for both paths and individual branches referencing the values in the decision tree diagram.
iii. Some of the data is already populated
iv. Total fields, Branch Total fields, and Value Fields are calculated fields and are already formatted
v. Answer the question regarding which options provides the best overall value
vi. Explain your reasoning for the choice you made, response should be based on your analysis of the decision tree results.
vii. Hint: Only one of the value fields should have a negative value when finished

3. Complete the Risk Determination Worksheets (M.S. Excel Document not PDF).

Attachment:- Risk Determination Worksheet.rar

Reference no: EM132257410

Questions Cloud

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Complete the risk determination worksheets : Risk Determination and Decision Tree Analysis - Examine the Decision Tree Analysis for enterprise CRM solution approach
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What are the issues or problems facing the organization : What are the issues or problems facing the organization? What course concepts can be applied to understand why this problem is occurring?
Describe the potential ethical or political issues : Write two potential research questions related to the Sessions episode. Consider potential ethical or political issues related to the feasibility.
In reference to small business and entrepreneurship : In reference to small business and entrepreneurship. Does off-shore outsourcing hurt American jobs?



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3/15/2019 12:47:07 AM

Please read guidelines in the attached document and proceed accordingly. upload the file using the designated link on Moodle on or before the assignment due date. Review Module-5 Lecture Notes and Chapter Readings

Write a Review

Risk Management Questions & Answers

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  Selcting best option for portfolio

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  Result of systematic or unsystematic risk

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  Determine risk management

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