Audit of information systems-controls

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM1354060

Discuss the difference between general controls and application controls. Provide an example of a policy on internal controls. How might a policy on internal controls be communicated to employees?

Reference no: EM1354060

Questions Cloud

Illustrate what happens to wheat farmers : Illustrate what happens to wheat farmers and the market for wheat when university agronomists discovers a new wheta hybrid that is more productive than existing varieties? show graphically.
Calculate the new cash convergence cycle : Firm x has 15 million of sales, two million of inventories, three million of recievables, and 1 million of payables. its cost of goods sold is 80% of sales,
Evaluation tool for annual performance : The organization for which I work employs an annual performance evaluation tool that, while it has an organization wide format, is specific to each particular job.
Organizational structure and control-a breakdown : The design of an organization includes the process of making decisions. Outline the six key elements of an organization's structure.
Audit of information systems-controls : Discuss the difference between general controls and application controls. Provide an example of a policy on internal controls. How might a policy on internal controls be communicated to employees?
How cultural differences in colors and images are perceived : What are some examples of cultural differences in how colors and images are perceived? How would you change the colors and images on your website to appeal to a wider global audience.
Elucidate why the tax burden will not actually fall : Producers will be made to pay a tax for each beer sold. Use a graph to elucidate why the tax burden will not actually fall on the people that this person wants to punish.
Bank reconciliation-balances : You have received the bank statement for your company's account and need to reconcile it with your cash T-account. Your records show an ending balance for the month of $12,722.40 while the bank's records show an ending balance of $12,367.16.
Pay fairness and structure : List and describe the perceptions employees use to determine the fairness of the company's procedures and outcomes


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Auditing Questions & Answers

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  Prepare a memo on the state of the company''s industry

Prepare a memo on the 'state of the company's industry' and associated risk factors.

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