Assignment on spreadsheet applications

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13778958

In this project, you will determine what core courses that are required to complete your degree in Information Systems Management. You are trying to determine which classes will be offered and how much longer it will take you to complete your degree. Once you complete your pivot table and chart, you will now be able to visually see what courses are available and which semester offers the most courses that you will need to successfully graduate.

To complete the assignment, perform the following tasks:

Open this Excel workbook and save the worksheet as "FirstInital_LastName_PivotIPA04_.xlsx."

Highlight the entire data set, and insert a pivot table.

For more information on how to create a pivot table, click here.

Create a new worksheet, and sort the pivot table as follows:

Move Student level to the Column level.

Move the Year will move to Values, changing your values to count instead of sum.

Move the Course to Row Label.

Insert a Column chart and expand your chart. Select Chart Layout 3, and also change your chart design style 2.

Add a title "Course Availability" for your table.

Save the worksheet as "Course Availability," and save your document as "FirstInitial_LastName_PivotIPA04_solution."
Return to the Data sheet, highlight all the data, and click on Insert a pivot chart.

For more information on how to create a pivot chart, click here.

Create a new worksheet, and sort the pivot chart as follows:

Filter the Year.

Move Courses to Axis Fields.

Move the Count of Student to Value.

Change your chart type to columns and choose a style from the design tab. Insert the name "Course Overview" as your title.

Adjust your new chart by expanding it from cells A22 to G48.

Rename the worksheet to "Course Overview." Submit your Excel spreadsheet.

Reference no: EM13778958

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