Case for or against anthropogenic climate change

Case for or against anthropogenic climate change

Anthropogenic climate change is the production of greenhouse gases emitted as a result of human activities (Cockburn 460). Through a number of scientific examinations, scientists argue that human activities have led to increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This has affected the earth's surface in one way or another. The larger greenhouse gases are in form of carbon dioxide which is as a result of industrialization and other human activities (Cockburn 462). Although much of the activities that lead to greenhouse gases are for the benefit of the humans, many effects of these activities are adverse because when global temperatures rise, the precipitation patterns change causing alteration of natural processes and the function of the ecosystems, thus causing natural disasters.  

Rationale of anthropogenic climate change

The issue of anthropogenic climate change is a very contentious issue today. According to Paul et al p. 102, gases which absorb infrared radiation (green house gases) slow down radioactive cooling of the earth's surface causing warming. Global warming has greatest threat to worldwide economic and social systems. Land use change due human activities is the major contributor to the greenhouse warming while global warming is a key contributor to natural disasters (Paul et al 102).

            The proponents of anthropogenic climate change may argue that if anthropogenic climate change is not supported, then some important developments may not be seen around the world (Adger and Brown 118). However, currently man has been the greatest enemy to his environment, destroying nearly every good thing found in it. The trees and other vegetation that are considered to help tapping some of the gases emitted from the earth have been destroyed through deforestation (Adger and Brown 119). No one can ascertain the advantages of cutting down trees. Although some furniture and fuel is acquired from trees, the devastating effects like draught and famine outdo any good thing associated with deforestation.

            It has been found out that the majority of the fires that wipe out property are as a result of burly winds that aid the spread of fire (Cockburn 460). Vegetation and trees help trap wind, so, the cutting down of trees facilitate wind speed. Deforestation is also known to affect water catchments areas (Paul et al 106). It therefore means that food production is affected due to low amounts of rainfall. Therefore anthropogenic climate change can not be justified.


Since human beings play a great role in the variations of climate behavior more than the natural variations do, this means that anthropogenic climate change can be controlled if the man's activities are controlled. Factors that contribute to the increased imbalanced ecosystems should be controlled as well. The debate on anthropogenic climate change requires thorough research and articulation to avoid jumping into conclusions. This should be done by experts by carefully examining the advantages and disadvantages of anthropogenic climate change and the effects of the same. However, this paper finds it comfortable to argue that anthropogenic climate change should be discouraged at all costs. 

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