How to Write an Effective Conclusion for Your Dissertation

Know - How to Write an Effective Conclusion for Your Dissertation?

The dissertation is an extensive research paper, the essential aspects of which are reflected in the conclusion. And if the introduction is a visiting card by which the committee meets the applicant, then the results and findings of your thesis either reduce or increase the distance between you and your degree.

Given this importance, this paper's part most often raises difficulties. Of course, it's possible to write the theoretical and practical chapters flawlessly, but mistakes in the conclusion often negate the significance of the many years of work. So you should treat all the details thoroughly to avoid such disappointing scenarios. And this article helps you to cope with that.

The Main Elements of Conclusion ( or How to Assemble a Rubik's Cube)

Despite the diversity of dissertation topics, directions, areas, and specifics, the conclusions of each dissertation have some similar points. And one of them is a four-part structure. Remember that your findings should highlight all the items the introduction contains: goals, objectives, methodology, relevance, and the degree of elaboration of the issue.

Next, you need to confirm or disprove your paper's hypotheses. Finally, each applicant for a Ph.D. must prepare logical results of their scientific work and, most importantly, reflect on it the author's position on the specific scientific issue. In other words, you can take the introduction as a guide and a template and answer each point to make a thesis conclusion. First, however, don't forget to use the perfect inflection, namely:

  • Proved;
  • Analyzed;
  • Studied;
  • Tested;
  • Reviewed.

Consider that the conclusion's structure directly relates to your fundamental research's structure. The more chapters and paragraphs in the latter, the more subparagraphs there will be in the findings. As a rule, each structural element of scientific work refers to a specific objective.

Consequently, the number of objectives determines the content of the theoretical and practical parts. Thus, it would help if you wrote the conclusion according to a specific template which you can get from the Write My Essays writing service. But now, briefly, why must you adhere to a particular structure when writing conclusions?

It facilitates the author's task and helps to gather thoughts together.

It allows you not to miss the main thing and gives the text a logical flow.

The structure simplifies the perception of the written material and helps to put the right accents.

Style of Presentation Matters

Undoubtedly, the predominant style in the thesis is scientific. But, at the same time, the requirements oblige applicants to express their position, demonstrate their authorship, and state subjective beliefs and thoughts. And in this context, the scientific style is too dry to reflect personal aspects.

Therefore, using a scientific and publicist style in the dissertation's conclusion is appropriate. Why? This way, you can better manifest your judgments and position, avoiding a dry and impersonal tone. Moreover, consider that such elements live your study and give it individuality. So how to achieve that? For instance, you can take advantage of many tools and rules. Here are some of them:

Avoid dry language and copying of facts;

Use summarizing phrases, such as "summarizing the study, we...", "based on the research conducted, we can summarize the following...", "it seems appropriate to note...", "in conclusion, it seems important to emphasize...", etc.

How to Avoid Common Mistakes

Despite much information concerning our article's topic, applicants often make the same mistake: write a conclusion unrelated to the research or indirectly related. Why does this happen?

Perhaps some of them understand the conclusion's significance in the study but are unwilling to put enough effort into it. In this regard, paying attention to the following aspects or, more precisely, what you should never do when writing an effective conclusion is essential:

Rely only on individual fragments, chapters, or paragraphs of the main body of the thesis. Instead, the final part requires coverage of the fundamental research.

Copy the conclusions and insert them unchanged at the end of your paper.

Write a dry text without giving it an element of authorship.

Use complex verbal constructions, weighing the material with excessive special terms.

Pour water. Remember that the conclusion should be extensive, reliable, and concise regardless of the volume.

Indicate in the final part of the data or facts that were not in the thesis itself.

State subjective thoughts without factual support.

Strangely enough, among the most common cons are grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. Of course, it often doesn't affect the content but significantly spoils the impression and discourages readers from delving into the essence. The solution is a qualitative proofreading of the text for elementary mistakes and appeals to the services of a proofreader.

Another significant mistake is the lack of uniqueness. There may be several reasons. In addition to the standard plagiarism and an unabashed desire to pass off someone else's work as your own, other prerequisites for lack of uniqueness may be:

Incomplete verification, when one or two algorithms were used, but for others, including critical programs with paid versions, the percentage shows lower;

The oversaturation of particular terminology references to regulations and excerpts from documents. All of this a priori eliminates the uniqueness, so it is crucial to reduce the use of such text to the minimum necessary and replace it, if possible, with synonyms or similar wording.

It's important to note such a mistake as the lack of an author's position, as we've mentioned repeatedly above. Unfortunately, applicants often ignore the requirement to state their assessment, limiting themselves to a dry listing of the main theses. At the same time, the committee estimates the author's outlook, awareness, professional maturity, scientific position, degree of study, and relevance of the issue.

The cause of errors and inaccuracies is lack of experience and elementary fatigue. In other words, dissertations are not written in a week or a month. And you will do it perhaps once or twice in your life. So it is worth approaching this question with full responsibility and attention. You can choose dissertation writing service online too for better marks.

Summing Up

Understanding how to write a dissertation conclusion should already be at the study's preparation stage. Why? The final part of the work is the conclusions, results, and recommendations on the essence of the thesis. It confirms the hypothesis formed in the introduction, the solution of tasks, and the designation of your position.

It is the logical conclusion of all scientific work, confirmation that it was not done in vain, summing up, and demonstrating prospects. And if you use the recommendations in this article, you will have no problems writing an effective conclusion for your thesis.

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