Can we utilize more percentage of our brains than we do through Physics intervention

"All of physics is either impossible or trivial. It is impossible until you understand it, and then it becomes trivial."   - ERNEST RUTHERFORD

Physics is the essence of our lives as it is an experimental and practical science that we use in our daily lives knowingly or unknowingly. Learning physics is always an enlightening process and it always broadens the horizon of our minds. Physics has helped us in solving many of our problems; from getting down from a moving bus to the evolution of electronics and internet, physics has played a vital and indispensible role. Without physics we might not be able to find an explanation for many phenomena that surround us. The three laws of Newton can be applied to any living or non living thing. Definitely the intervention of physics has proved to be a boon and without physics we might not be able to utilize our brain to a greater extent.

The origin of word physics is from a Greek word "physis" which means nature. The science of energy, motion, space and time is known as physics. With advancement in time and technology, physics has also evolved from the classical realm to quantum physics.

Physics do not put a full stop at our imagination or creativity rather it only fuels it. Physics helps us to understand things in a better and practical way. For instance, let us consider two persons. One of them knows the concepts of physics and the other is a novice in the field of physics. If both of them are asked to get down from a moving bus, the novice will just jump from the bus and may get hurt. On the other hand, the other person may follow the steps laid down in physics and after getting down from the bus he will run for a while to satisfy the First Law of Motion defined by Newton. All sorts of forces like gravitation, centripetal force, rotation and many more can be explained by physics.

How can we imagine the flight of an aeroplane without physics? The basic principle that the aeroplanes fly is based on Bernoulli's principle. Bernoulli's theorem states that an increase of a flow results in a decrease of pressure. The airflow above the wings of the plane travels faster than the flow below the wings. As a result there is pressure difference between the air above and the air below the wings. The pressure below the wings is higher than the pressure above the wings. This pressure difference causes the lift. Without these concepts, the plane on which we fly may not have come into existence. It is physics that has and will continue to make our lives easier, efficient and more liveable.

As the automobile industry has developed, so as the braking systems that is used in them. Earlier brakes were made of wood and a lever. Whenever the driver has to stop the vehicle he would simply pull the lever. But when new technologies were used to design the cars, this wooden braking system failed. At that point in time, physics came to the rescue. Physics helped in developing new braking systems that are compatible with the new technology cars. Hydraulic braking system or the disc braking systems are now very popular and are used in majority of the cars.

Electricity is another example that has proved a boon to the human race. Is has become a basic necessity. It was discovered by famous scientist Benjamin Franklin. Later it was Thomas Alva Edison who created a light bulb. Electricity is purely a physics-defined phenomenon. We can very well imagine that without the invention of light bulb we would still be living in the Dark Age. Physics not only provided us the electricity but also helped us to weave the path for renewable energy sources. The renewable sources of energy are cleaner and environment friendly. To delve further, physics is applied to solar cell, wind mills and even to nuclear power plants.

In sports also, it is physics that explains many concepts. The recoil of gun in shooting games, the acceleration and deceleration in racing sports, the catching of a ball all these are made simpler with physics. Earlier it was considered that the Earth was flat or it was the centre of solar system. The true and the correct explanation to these myths were provided by physics. The satellites, the rockets, the communication system or the existence of life on other planets have been possible due to physics. It is physics that has led us to the knowledge of evolution of the universe, black hole or time dilation.

Physics has not only played a role in the past, but it has a brighter scope in future also. It is an ever growing field and has key to the economic and social development of the nation. The recent advancement in the electronics or the Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) has been possible due to physics. Physics evolves and it provides a basis to all the sciences.  It is physics and its concepts that enable us to think out of box and apply laws and principles in our daily lives. Physics does not create a void or blockage in our thinking, rather helps in filling the gaps and linking our thoughts. Physics helps us in getting a broader view of the situation and allows us to look beyond theory and perform practically.

Without physics we might not be able to understand the basic concepts that we see daily. Physics is almost involved in all our daily activities. Having a basic understanding of physics encourages us to use our brain to reason out many day to day things in our lives. We can do all our activities in a better way if we have a basic knowledge of physics. We can use our brain to expand and evolve physics but without physics we cannot expand our brain. By processing our brain we can imagine new things or create a problem and it's the physics that provides us with solution. From the basic concept of push and pull to the big bang theory, physics has proved its importance and has definitely saved our lives!

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