Management Style and Leadership Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Motivating Employees in Actual Practice - Management Style and Leadership

Management Style and Leadership:

In working relationships along with others, and particularly in direct influence in motivating others, a manager exhibits one or more features styles of behaviour. We might describe management style as the pattern of a manager's behaviour in working relationships with others over time. This definition is associated loose being more a concept than a precise variable. In sequence to be more precise, we required to set up one or more categories of behaviour features where employees for one reason or another see their work only as a means of economic rewards. A second style is a supportive, people-oriented, humanistic style that might be appropriate for employees who value social rewards. A third is a participative, mutual goal-setting style in that the manager works with subordinates who value autonomy and are rewarded by self-fulfillment.

In a way, then, we say which a manager who holds one of the three basic sets of assumptions about what motivates others should exhibit a style that is consistent with those assumptions in order to give the appropriate means to exercise direct influence. Instead, managers need to understand what rewards subordinates value, and behave in a pattern that will fit with that understanding as one part of giving a consistent environment for the employee.

The manager, who believes, as a element of his or her perspective, in which people are complex, is going above and beyond the three operational sets of assumptions about valued rewards. The "complex person" assumptions imply in which a manager will have no fixed beliefs about what motivates people in common or what style to employ in all situations. Rather, the manager will attempt to know the particular subordinates, the particular condition, and ideally, select a style to fit the situation. Therefore, they recognize which people are complex and in which a diagnosis with a target as a path-goal theory must be performed before employing a style. The manager cannot have one particular style for all conditions. Rather, the manager must be able to select an appropriate style for a condition and then change that style, if essential. One may call this approach a "contingent" management style, but it is important to remember that it refers to the process of diagnosis and choice of managerial behaviour rather than to the pattern of behaviour itself.

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