Magnetic data storage Assignment Help

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Magnetic data storage

Magnetic fields are used to store data in different forms. Common media for the data storage include the magnetic disk, the magnetic tape, and magnetic bubble memory.

Magnetic bubble memory

Bubble memory is very sophisticated method of storing data that gets rid of the requirement for moving parts such as are needed in tape machines and disk drives. This type of memory can be used in large computer systems, as it allows the storage, retrieval, and transfer of quantities of data. The bits of data are stored in tiny magnetic fields, in a medium which is made from magnetic film and semiconductor materials.

The full description of the way bubble memory systems are made, and in the manner they work, is too advanced for this book. Bubble memory makes use of all advantages of magnetic data storage and the favorable aspects of electronic data storage. Advantages of electronic memory comprise rapid recovery and storage of data, and high density. The advantages of the magnetic memory have nonvolatility, high density and low cost comparatively.


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