Common and Natural Logarithms Assignment Help

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Common and Natural Logarithms:

In  scientific  and  engineering  practice,  a  natural  system  of  logarithms  uses  the  number 2.718281828459042. Because this number is often encountered, the letter e is used.  Several natural occurrences can be expressed by exponential equations along with e as the base. For instance, the decay of radioactive isotopes can be expressed as a natural logarithm equation. These logarithmic expressions are known as natural logs because e is the basis for several laws of nature.

The expression ln is used to represent a logarithm when e is the base.  thus, the exponential equation is written as

ex  = N.

and the logarithm expression is written as given below

loge  N = x   or   lnN = x.

Since with base 10 logs (common logs), natural logs can be determined easily with the aid of a calculator.

Base 10 logs are often referred to as common logs. Since base 10 is the most hugely used number base, the "10" from the designation log10 is frequent dropped. Therefore, any time "log" is used without a base specified, one should suppose that base 10 is being used.

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