Impact of Increasing HT Lines Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Length of LT Lines and Ratio of HT & LT - Impact of Increasing HT Lines

Impact of Increasing HT Lines

Increasing HT lines could help in reducing both line losses and voltage drops.

Reduction in Line Losses

In the low voltage distribution system, supply at low voltages along with long LT lines using smaller conductor sizes causes high line losses. Therefore, the loss in HV system for the distribution of the similar power is less than 1% of the LV system. Therefore, along with HV system the total energy losses are considerably decreased.

Reduction in Voltage Drops

The voltage drop within LV lines is extremely high as the lines are long and have smaller conductor sizes. Within HV distribution systems, the voltage drop for the distribution of similar quantum of power is less than 1 percent as against that in low voltage distribution system. This ensures proper voltage profile at the consumer end.

All other parameters, like load factor, power factor, etc., remaining the similar, the percentage losses in a system having higher LT/HT ratio will be higher than in a system having lower LT/HT ratio. A ratio of 1 to 1.2 would be extremely beneficial to power distribution. As this measure is a must to improve efficiency and voltage regulation of distribution, additional capital investment should not come on the way. Within this discussion on the impact of increasing HT lines on reduction in line losses and voltage drops, we now end the unit and summaries its contents.

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