Artificial Immune System Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Immune Systems In CIM - Artificial Immune System

Artificial Immune System

As mention by Castro and Zuben, Artificial Immune System or AIS can be explain as an abstract or metamorphic computational system utilizing ideas gleaned from the components and theories of immunology. The above terminologies along with their essence are perhaps incorporated in an algorithm termed the clonal algorithm that is an integral principle employed in artificial immune system. The clonal selection theory is the most drivers the Artificial Immune System which generally possesses the given features:

(a)  Differentiation and Proliferation on stimulation of cells along with Ag's;

(b)  Generation of innovative random genetic alters, expressed subsequently like diverse Ab patterns, via a form of accelerated somatic mutation as a process termed as affinity maturation; and

(c)   Evaluation of newly differentiated lymphocytes carrying low-affinity antigenic receptors.

Though the working of Artificial Immune System is mainly based upon clonal selection theory however, the antigenic recognition is taken as the prerequisite of the activation of artificial immune system or AIS. The recognition takes place along with a specific antibody-antigen affinity beneath some criteria. While an antibody identifies an antigen, after that the binding strength is directly proportional to the affinity. Furthermore, the recognition implications such are really extremely important from computational point of view comprise the effects of affinity on the maturation rate and proliferation rate.

                                                        These two crucial terms can be explained as shown in Table no.2.

                                                            Table no.2: Control Parameters of Artificial Immune System





Proliferation rate is the number of offsprings (clones) generated per antibody. It is directly proportional to the affinity.





Maturation is the extent of hypermutation that a clone undergoes. It is inversely proportional to the affinity.





It is clear that the immune system is activated when the affinity is greater than a particular value known as threshold affinity.

When implementing artificial immune system utilizing clonal selection principle to some problem in computer integrated manufacturing the major steps comprise encoding of solutions that are analogized like the antibodies; recognition of antigens, such is objective identification through pattern recognition principles; maturation or proliferation or copying of antibodies into clones and diversification and differentiation of antibody categories on the encounter of cells along with antigens through carrying out affinity maturation procedure through random genetic modifies and eliminated those differentiated immune cells that posses low affinity antigenic receptors. In addition to these basic steps, given implications are vital sufficient to be taken before implementing artificial immune system to any computer integrated manufacturing problem.

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