Shapes and Figures of Plane Geometry Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Geometry - Shapes and Figures of Plane Geometry

Shapes and Figures of Plane Geometry:

The chapter shapes and figures of plane geometry cover the calculation of the perimeter and area of selected plane figures.

STATE the definition of the subsequent types of triangles:

a. Equilateral

b. Isosceles

c. Acute

d. Obtuse

e. Scalene

Given the formula CALCULATES the area and the perimeter of each of the subsequent basic geometric shapes:

a. Triangle

b. Parallelogram

c. Circle

The terms and properties of angles, lines, and circles may be applied in the design, layout, development, and construction of closed flat shapes.  A latest term, plane, must be understood in sequence to accurately visualize a closed, flat shape.  Here is a plane refers to a flat surface on that lies a straight line connecting any two points.

A plane figure is one that can be drawn on a plane surface. There are several kinds of plane figures encountered in practical problems. Fundamental to most design & construction are three flat shapes: the rectangle, the triangle & the circle.a

Area and Perimeter of Triangles Circles
Quadrilaterals Triangles
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