Quality of Supply and Services Assignment Help

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Quality of Supply and Services


The Electricity Act 2003 envisaged giving reliable, quality and affordable power to all the electricity users by a market driven mechanism. Under the guidance, substantial resources and efforts have been spent on improvement of underperforming infrastructure, adoption of new technologies, creating an accountable and introducing competition.

Therefore the adoption of a commonly accepted and measured set of indicators for monitoring performance will enable to improve the performance of companies and assist in reforms. Now, we propose a set of indicators as a first step that should enable the utility to have more insight into their performance associative to other utilities.

The whole aim is to reasons a set of key performance indicators within two stages for the electricity sector that should be measurable and capable of bringing the service quality, financial improvement, better consumer service and helping in whole socio-economic and industrial development. This includes using both quantitative and qualitative indicators.

The aim of setting up of KPIs is to establish the relationship among several business functions, and creating platform on that Balance Business Score Card could be built. KPIs help to know complex issues and to create a business model. Most significantly KPIs cannot and should not exist in Isolation. The reasons of determination and subsequent measurement are to provide the information to all the stake holders in regard of state of affairs.

The organization has to decide and select the appropriate KPIs for implementation. It should be decided on performance criterion and remaining in mind the benchmarking competition. In performance benchmarking section, we have seen in which there are various Indicators methodologies to be adopted for effectual monitoring and to achieve the desired goal.

The KPI accordingly could be categorized as partial, exact or whole but the moot question remains those KPIs to be selected in the starting and that to add on subsequently particularly for a Distribution company whereas hundreds of KPIs can be defined. Keeping in view this dilemma, we are suggesting that KPIs should be implemented in two levels.

It is also imperative in which KPIs should be decided considering local geographical conditions, current state of available infrastructure, resources. Therefore various set of parameters and/or target could be set amongst various user groups' viz. industrial, urban sector, rural sector and etc.

Classification And Selection Of Kpi’s Establish Kpi’s
Kpi’s For First Stage Implementation Properties Of Key Performance Indicators
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