Deflection of Spindle Axis due to Compliance of Spindle Supports Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Design of Spindle - Deflection of Spindle Axis due to Compliance of Spindle Supports

Deflection of Spindle Axis due to Compliance of Spindle Supports

Let δE and δG present the displacement of the rear and front support respectively. Owing to compliance support, the spindle deflects are displayed in figure. From similarity of triangles OHH' and OGG'.


d2 / m + x = δG / x

 ∴ d2 = (1 + (m / x)) δG

1880_Deflection of Spindle Axis due to Compliance of Spindle Supports 1.png

Figure: Deflection of the Spindle due to Compliance of Support

From similarity of triangles OEE' and OGG', we acquire

δG / x = δE / (a - x)

x = aδG / (δE + δG)

On substituting these values of x in Equation, d2 changes to,


d2 = (1+ (m/a)) δG + δE (m /a)

Therefore it is clear from above equation that displacement δG of the front bearing has greater affect on deflection d2 of spindle nose than displacement δE of the rear bearing.

Displacement  δE =   RE /SE

And δG = RG / SG                   

In which RE and RG are the support reactions at E and G correspondingly.

SE and SG are stiffness at E and G respectively.

At equilibrium,

∑M E = 0

∴ RG a - F2 k + M r - F1 (m + a) = 0

∴ R G = F2 k - M r + F1 (m + a) / a

Similarly          ∑ M G = 0

∴ RE a - F2 b - M r + F1 m = 0

∴ RE = (F2 b + M r - F1 m) /a


1396_Deflection of Spindle Axis due to Compliance of Spindle Supports 2.png

Therefore total deflection d (displayed in below diagram) is obtained as

d = d1 + d2

1407_Deflection of Spindle Axis due to Compliance of Spindle Supports 3.png

Figure: Total Deflection of Spindle Axis

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