Subtracting Whole Numbers Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Basic Arithmetic Operations - Subtracting Whole Numbers

Subtracting Whole Numbers:

While numbers are subtracted, the output is known as the remainder/difference. The number subtracted is known as the subtrahend; the number from that the subtrahend is subtracted is known as the minuend.  Subtraction is implied through the minus sign (-).

  86      Minuend

-34       -Subtrahend


52        Remainder or Difference

Unlike addition, the subtraction procedure is neither associative nor commutative. The commutative law for addition allowed reversing the order of the addends without changing the sum. In subtraction, the subtrahend & minuend cannot be reversed.

a - b ≠ b - a

Therefore, the difference of 5 - 3 is not the similar as 3 - 5.  The associative law for addition allowed combining addends in any sequence.  In subtraction, this is not permitted.

(a-b)-c  ≠ a-(b-c)


(10-5)-1≠ 10-(5-1)

4 ≠ 6

While subtracting two numbers, the subtrahend is placed under the minuend along with the digits arranged in columns placing the units place under the units place, the tens column further, and so on.


Subtract 32 from 54.






Whenever the digit in the subtrahend is larger than the digit in the minuend in the similar column, one place value is borrowed from the further digit to the left in the minuend. Refer to the subsequent example.

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