Which of the following would be considered a status offense

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Reference no: EM131084795

1. Which scenario best represents adolescent alcohol use in today's society?

A. Dahlia started using alcohol at age 17 and by age 19 had stopped drinking completely.
B. Brian first tried alcohol at the beginning of high school and now, at 17, uses it only occasionally.
C. Julia, a high school senior, has never tried alcohol.
D. Michael, a 13-year-old, drinks alcohol almost every day with his friends.

2. Denise has just been caught vandalizing public property for the fourth time this year. What is probably true of her early home and school life?

A. Her problems have emerged only during adolescence.
B. Her early home and school life were average.
C. She probably had problems at home and school at an early age.
D. Home and school life have not been shown to be connected to delinquency.

3. Which of the following adolescent problems is likely to be resolved by adulthood?

A. substance use
B. delinquency
C. unemployment
D. All of the above.

4. According to a study of more than 10,000 American adolescents, approximately _____ of all teenagers report having an anxiety disorder by age 18 and ______ of these individuals developed an anxiety disorder before turning 12.

A. 60%; 2%
B. one-third; almost all
C. 50%; over 90%
D. 15%; just over half

5. Which of the following is the best explanation of serious problem behavior during adolescence?

A. Problem behavior is the result of the hormonal changes that accompany puberty.
B. Problem behavior is a manifestation of an inherent need to rebel against authority that is common during adolescence.
C. Problem behavior results from having an identity crisis.
D. Problem behavior is likely to be a sign that something is wrong.

6. Dara suffers from depression. What type of disorder does depression reflect?

A. an externalizing disorder
B. a psychosomatic disorder
C. an internalizing disorder
D. a personality disorder

7. One recent international study found that which type of countries are likely to have adolescents whose alcohol use is not predictive of violence?

A. poor countries
B. countries with large income disparities
C. countries that have relatively few adolescents compared to other generations
D. countries where adolescents are more likely to drink in settings were adults are present

8. Theodore has been referred to as an "acting-out" adolescent. He engages in delinquent behavior. Theodore is most likely exhibiting:

A. externalizing symptomatology.
B. psychosomatic symptomatology.
C. internalizing symptomatology.
D. psychopathological symptomatology.

9. Approximately how many of high school seniors have used steroids?

A. almost all male high school athletes
B. just less than half
C. very few (about 2%)
D. about 25%

10. Approximately how many high school seniors have taken prescription drugs, like Percocet or Vicodin for recreational use?

A. almost 80%
B. just less than half
C. not very many (about 7%)
D. about 65%

11. When two problems occur together, such as substance abuse and depression, it is referred to as:

A. comorbidity.
B. coexisting.
C. coterminous disorder.
D. parallel diagnoses.

12. Which behavior would not be seen as a manifestation of lack of impulse control?

A. truancy
B. depression
C. defiance
D. academic difficulties

13. According to social control theory, delinquency is caused by:

A. unconventionality in the adolescent's personality.
B. an inherited predisposition toward deviance.
C. biologically based differences in arousal and sensation-seeking.
D. a lack of bonds to the family, the school, or the workplace.

14. Externalizing problems are hypothesized to reflect an antisocial syndrome just as internalizing problems are hypothesized to reflect the common underlying factor of:

A. negative emotionality.
B. social control.
C. risk-taking behaviors.
D. comorbidity.

15. Which of the following is considered an "internalizing disorder"?

A. drug abuse
B. anxiety
C. truancy
D. delinquency

16. Which substance is most commonly used and abused by adolescents?

A. alcohol
B. marijuana
C. nicotine
D. cocaine

17. Approximately what percent of high school seniors have tried alcohol? What about marijuana?

A. Approximately 70% of adolescents have tried alcohol and approximately 46% of high school seniors have tried marijuana.
B. Approximately 40% of adolescents have tried alcohol and approximately 66% of high school seniors have tried marijuana.
C. Approximately 90% of adolescents have tried alcohol and approximately 56% of high school seniors have tried marijuana.
D. Approximately 30% of adolescents have tried alcohol and approximately 16% of high school seniors have tried marijuana.

18. Eduardo was caught binge drinking on Saturday night. This means that he:

A. drinks alcohol every day.
B. drinks alcohol every weekend.
C. has had more than five alcoholic drinks in a row.
D. has had enough alcohol within the past year to cause him to black out.

19. Which of the following statements about adolescent cigarette use is true?

A. The huge increase in the price of cigarettes over the last couple decades has led to a sharp decrease in the percentage of smoking adolescents.
B. Antismoking campaigns have contributed to the steady decline of cigarette use among adolescents.
C. The most effective way to reduce adolescent smoking has been to enforce laws that restrict sales of cigarettes to minors.
D. Despite changes in tobacco industry policies, the percentage of smoking adolescents has remained stable over two decades.

20. The neurotransmitter associated with the experience of pleasure that is implicated in substance abuse problems is known as:

A. serotonin.
B. dopamine.
C. acetylcholine.
D. norepinephrine.

21. Studies comparing the consequences of drug exposure during adolescence and adulthood have found all of the following except:

A. the increased vulnerability of the adolescent brain to the addicting effects of alcohol is compounded by the fact that adolescents don't feel the negative consequences of drinking as profoundly as adults do.                                                                                                                   B. studies comparing juvenile rodents with adult rodents find that juveniles can drink more than adults before they become tired or have their reflexes slow.
C. the consequences of drinking too much (otherwise known as a hangover) are less intense among juveniles than adults.
D. juveniles don't feel the positive effects of alcohol as profoundly as adults do.

22. Alcohol and marijuana are considered ______ drugs because they are almost always used before harder drugs.

A. gateway
B. passage
C. ritual
D. experimental

23. Which is not considered a risk factor for substance abuse in adolescence?

A. psychological factors
B. familial factors
C. contextual factors
D. educational factors

24. Which of the following is not a risk factor for developing substance abuse problems?

A. having excessively permissive parents
B. having easy access to drugs
C. having friends who use and tolerate the use of drugs
D. being involved in a sexual relationship

25. Which of the following is a likely reason that Black youngsters have a lower rate of drinking than their White counterparts?

A. They don't have money to purchase alcohol.
B. They are biologically unable to process alcohol.
C. Their parents are less likely to drink and tolerate drinking.
D. Their celebrity role models do not drink.

26. Based on prior successful methods, which of the following methods is likely to reduce drug and alcohol use?

A. drug and alcohol education
B. raising the price of alcohol and cigarettes
C. scare tactics
D. laws restricting the sale of these items to minors

27. Young people who abuse alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs are more likely to experience all of the following, except:

A. increased popularity.
B. suffer from psychological distress and depression.
C. become involved in dangerous or deviant activities such as crime and truancy.
D. engage in unprotected sexual activities.

28. According to the textbook, which of the following is the main reason experts advise against applying the term psychopath to people under 18?

A. Most young people who engage in antisocial behavior as teenagers do not continue to do so after their mid-20s.
B. Those with a "psychopath" label are likely to receive lesser sentences.
C. It is very rare for youths to exhibit any psychopathic traits.
D. None of the above-experts encourage the use of psychopaths as another dimension of antisociality.

29. Cliff is 16 years old, is truant from school, drinks alcohol regularly, and has run away from home. Legally speaking, Cliff is a(n):

A. ADHD child.
B. habitual criminal.
C. sociopath.
D. status offender.

30. Which of the following would be considered a status offense?

A. using marijuana
B. being truant from school
C. vandalizing property
D. All of the above.

31. According to FBI statistics, individuals under the age of 18 account for approximately _____ of violent crime in the United States.

A. one-quarter
B. one-sixth
C. one-half
D. two-thirds

32. Confidential surveys of adolescents suggest all of the following, except:

A. between 60 and 80% of adolescents have engaged in delinquent behavior at one time or another.
B. ethnic differences in the prevalence of delinquent and criminal activity are greater than what would be expected from information in official records.
C. nearly one-third of American 17-year-old boys have committed a violent crime in the past year.
D. nearly half of all males report being responsible for an assault sometime during adolescence

33. In general, the earlier an adolescent's criminal career begins:

A. the easier it is for that person to be treated.
B. the more likely the adolescent is to stop the criminal behavior on his or her own.
C. the less likely he or she is to be arrested.
D. the more likely he or she is to become a chronic offender.

34. Vince engaged in delinquency as a pre-adolescent and has continued to be in trouble with the law ever since. Now, as a young adult, Vince would most likely be characterized as a _____ offender.

A. life-course-persistent
B. comorbid
C. externalizing
D. adolescent limited

35. Some people who are delinquent as adolescents grow up to be law-abiding adults. What type of pattern is this?

A. transitory delinquency
B. negative affectivity
C. diathesis-stress model
D. adolescent limited offender

36. The biologically based psychological disorder characterized by impulsiveness, inattentiveness, restlessness, and inappropriately high levels of activity is called:

A. schizophrenia.
B. nervosa.
C. attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
D. oppositional defiant disorder.

37. The tendency to interpret ambiguous interactions with others as deliberately antagonistic is called:

A. attention deficit disorder.
B. negative affectivity.
C. hostile attributional bias.
D. oppositional defiant disorder.

38. Which of the following is a stable trait over childhood?

A. aggressiveness
B. impulsivity
C. hyperactivity
D. All of the above are relatively stable traits over childhood.

39. Which of the following characteristics is not true for individuals high in callous-unemotional (CU) traits?

A. Individuals high in CU traits don't experience distress as easily or as often as others.
B. Individuals high in CU traits are less likely to empathize with others.
C. Individuals high in CU traits show a blunted response to emotional and painful stimuli.
D. Almost all adolescents who score high in CU traits are likely to be career criminals.

40. According to the age-crime curve, when does offending peak?

A. in adolescence
B. in childhood
C. in adulthood
D. there is no peak; the likelihood of offending increases across the life-span

41. "Decreased enjoyment of pleasurable activities" and "low self-esteem" would be examples of what type of depressive symptoms?

A. cognitive
B. emotional
C. motivational
D. physical

42. According to recent research, what percent of adolescents have attempted suicide?

A. fewer than 1% of both males and females
B. approximately 10% of females and 6% of males
C. approximately 5% of females and 10% of males
D. approximately 20% of females and 25% of males

43. One explanation for girls' greater susceptibility to internalizing problems, such as depression, emphasizes their greater orientation toward and sensitivity to interpersonal relationships. Specifically, gender differences in the level of the hormone ________ may play a role in making females both more invested in close relationships, and more vulnerable to adverse consequences of interpersonal problems.

A. dopamine
B. serotonin
C. oxytocin
D. leptin

44. Depression is the most common internalizing disorder of adolescence and afflicts approximately:

A. 15% of individuals by the time they are 18.
B. 10% of individuals by the time they enter adulthood.
C. 50% of individuals by the time they are 18.
D. 65% of individuals by the time they are 18.

45. Margaret has been able to withstand many stressors in her life without showing negative effects. Margaret's behavior would be
considered an example of:

A. resiliency.
B. an internalizing behavior.
C. an externalizing behavior.
D. withdrawal strategies.

46. What would be a situation where a secondary control strategy would be least effective?

A. situations that are uncontrollable
B. a situation such as being diagnosed with a serious illness
C. a situation such as learning your parents are getting a divorce
D. realizing that you have a final exam on Friday

47. ______ strategies are more effective in situations that are clearly uncontrollable; ______ strategies generally result in better adjustment, less depression, and fewer behavior problems.

A. Primary; primary
B. Primary; secondary
C. Secondary; secondary
D. Secondary; primary

48. Christi suffers from depression. She also gets in fights at school to express her anger and sadness. Christi's problems fall into which category?

A. internalizing disorder
B. externalizing disorder
C. Christi has comorbid disorders
D. substance abuse

49. Jim and his mom are in an argument because his mom found out that Jim has smoked marijuana. Jim's defense is, "Half the senior class is doing it!" How accurate is Jim's statement?

A. It is very inaccurate-only 10% of high school seniors have tried marijuana.
B. It is inaccurate-half of Americans have tried marijuana, not half of high school seniors.
C. It is almost accurate-about 46% of all high school seniors have tried marijuana.
D. Statistics about marijuana use are too inconsistent to know.

50. Which adolescent does not have a personality trait associated with developing drug and alcohol problems?

A. Aaron, who is a slow learner
B. Thomas, who angers quickly
C. Dennis, who is impulsive
D. Steve, who is inattentive

Reference no: EM131084795

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